Моя специальность. Халюшева Г.Р. - 19 стр.



computer science and engineering fields in which the number of degrees granted by
US universities to American students has been declining.
Over time, employment opportunities in information-technology will stimulate
more American students to acquire the necessary skills. They will be helped by the
numerous educational initiatives of the Administration, including programs to
upgrade basic skills in math, science, and reading in primary and secondary schools;
to increase college enrollment rates; and to provide retraining. State and local
governments are responding to the skill demands of the new economy, often working
with private companies to develop youth apprenticeship programs. Numerous
companies in the information-technology sector have introduced their own programs
to attract and train students for information-technology jobs.
For many programming jobs, the necessary skills can be acquired in a matter of
months. For others, however, it lasts years and requires substantial improvements in
math and science education even before college. In the meantime, immigrants who
possess the requisite skills should be allowed – indeed encouraged – to fill the gap.
Conditions in the information-technology sector indicate that it`s time to raise the cap
on special visas yet again and to provide room for further increases.
Silicon Valley`s experience reveals that the results will be more jobs and
higher incomes for both American and immigrant workers.
3.4 Find English equivalents to the following words and word-
combinations in the text:
условия на рынке труда
сфера (сектор) информационных технологий
показатели ниже/выше 2%
вынуждать кого-л. делать что-л.
региональные работодатели
другие отрасли экономики
уровень безработицы
заполнять открытые вакансии
увеличение (рост) чего-л.
спрос на работников сферы информационных технологий
было бы ошибкой заключить, что
затраты на развитие информационных технологий
увеличение количества виз
положительное воздействие на экономику страны
тщательный анализ
федеральные и местные органы управления
за считанные месяцы
3.5 Translate the following sentences into English
computer science and engineering fields in which the number of degrees granted by
US universities to American students has been declining.
       Over time, employment opportunities in information-technology will stimulate
more American students to acquire the necessary skills. They will be helped by the
numerous educational initiatives of the Administration, including programs to
upgrade basic skills in math, science, and reading in primary and secondary schools;
to increase college enrollment rates; and to provide retraining. State and local
governments are responding to the skill demands of the new economy, often working
with private companies to develop youth apprenticeship programs. Numerous
companies in the information-technology sector have introduced their own programs
to attract and train students for information-technology jobs.
       For many programming jobs, the necessary skills can be acquired in a matter of
months. For others, however, it lasts years and requires substantial improvements in
math and science education even before college. In the meantime, immigrants who
possess the requisite skills should be allowed – indeed encouraged – to fill the gap.
Conditions in the information-technology sector indicate that it`s time to raise the cap
on special visas yet again and to provide room for further increases.
       Silicon Valley`s experience reveals that the results will be more jobs and
higher incomes for both American and immigrant workers.

     3.4 Find English equivalents to the following words and word-
combinations in the text:

      условия на рынке труда
      сфера (сектор) информационных технологий
      показатели ниже/выше 2%
      вынуждать кого-л. делать что-л.
      региональные работодатели
      другие отрасли экономики
      уровень безработицы
      заполнять открытые вакансии
      увеличение (рост) чего-л.
      спрос на работников сферы информационных технологий
      было бы ошибкой заключить, что…
      затраты на развитие информационных технологий
      увеличение количества виз
      положительное воздействие на экономику страны
      тщательный анализ
      федеральные и местные органы управления
      за считанные месяцы

      3.5 Translate the following sentences into English
