home stands on concrete. Water and electricity is there already. If
you come to most American towns, you’ll find two or three trailer
parks near them.
5) Some people like to move their mobile home. They take it with
them to a new town. They find a new place for their home in a new
trailer park. But a lot of people build new rooms on to their mobile
home. They make a nice garden around it. Then the mobile home
cannot easily move. If people wanted to move, they would sell their
mobile home and buy a new one in the new town.
6) Some trailer parks are now small suburbs. They have
swimming pools and clubhouses. But rich people do not live in
trailer parks. A family makes money and moves to a suburb or a city
V. Прочтите текст и следующие за ним утверждения.
Проверьте себя, как вы поняли текст. Запишите номера
утверждений, которые соответствуют содержанию
1. Americans like many other people are fond of travelling.
2. When you move to a new place, you need to buy a cheap
3. Mobile homes cannot be driven by cars along the road.
4. Many people have got mobile home and when they
move to another town or city they find a new place for
their home.
VI Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык 1, 4 и
6 абзацы.
Вариант V
I. Найдите в тексте и напишите слова, противоположные
по значению следующим и переведите их:
Образец. difficult – easy; трудный – легкий
1. hate
2. never
3. old
4. expensive
5. outside
6. over
7. close (v.)
8. cold
II. Перепишите следующие условные предложения I. и II.
типов, выбрав правильную форму глагола. Переведите
на русский язык.
1) I тип (реальное условие)
If I study hard I shall pass my exam.
Если я буду усердно учиться, я сдам экзамен.
2) If they passed the exam they would be happy.
II тип (маловероятное условие, относится к
настоящему и будущему
времени; сослагательное наклонение)
Если бы они сдали экзамен, то были бы счастливы.
1. Unless you … a reservation, it will be impossible to get a
hotel room (have, had)
home stands on concrete. Water and electricity is there already. If Вариант V you come to most American towns, you’ll find two or three trailer parks near them. I. Найдите в тексте и напишите слова, противоположные 5) Some people like to move their mobile home. They take it with по значению следующим и переведите их: them to a new town. They find a new place for their home in a new Образец. difficult – easy; трудный – легкий trailer park. But a lot of people build new rooms on to their mobile home. They make a nice garden around it. Then the mobile home 1. hate cannot easily move. If people wanted to move, they would sell their 2. never mobile home and buy a new one in the new town. 3. old 6) Some trailer parks are now small suburbs. They have 4. expensive swimming pools and clubhouses. But rich people do not live in 5. outside trailer parks. A family makes money and moves to a suburb or a city 6. over apartment. 7. close (v.) 8. cold V. Прочтите текст и следующие за ним утверждения. Проверьте себя, как вы поняли текст. Запишите номера II. Перепишите следующие условные предложения I. и II. утверждений, которые соответствуют содержанию типов, выбрав правильную форму глагола. Переведите текста. на русский язык. Образец: 1. Americans like many other people are fond of travelling. 1) I тип (реальное условие) 2. When you move to a new place, you need to buy a cheap If I study hard I shall pass my exam. house. Если я буду усердно учиться, я сдам экзамен. 3. Mobile homes cannot be driven by cars along the road. 2) If they passed the exam they would be happy. 4. Many people have got mobile home and when they II тип (маловероятное условие, относится к move to another town or city they find a new place for настоящему и будущему their home. времени; сослагательное наклонение) Если бы они сдали экзамен, то были бы счастливы. VI Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык 1, 4 и 6 абзацы. 1. Unless you … a reservation, it will be impossible to get a hotel room (have, had)