Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Иваненко Т.И. - 62 стр.



in well-known Anonymous FTP sites. You can download copies, including back issues, whenev-
er you want.
Aside from the ease of distribution, e-Magazines have two important advantages over their
conventional paper and ink counterparts: e-Magazines do not contain advertisements showing
people who are richer and better looking than you, having more fun than you will ever have; and
e-Magazines do not contain irritating subscription cards that fall out when you turn the pages.
1. Scholarly journals – научные журналы
2. Mailing list – список рассылки
3. A new issue comes out – выходит новое издание
4. Сonventional paper and ink counterparts – обычные печатные журналы
5. Irritating subscription cards – раздражающие подписные карточки
6. That fall out – которые выпадают
The term “e-Money” means different payment mechanisms for current clearing agreements
in an electronic form among producers, sellers, and consumers of goods and services.
E-Money can be available in two forms depending on information carriers. It can be plastic
magnetic and microprocessing cards or systems on a client PC which allow to accomplish pay-
ments in on-line mode.
If under “e-Money” we imply the accounts using magnetic credit and debit cards, then it
becomes money by transfer or cashless one. And on the contrary, if under “ e-Money” we imply
the accounts using smart cards or network money, then it is cash money in the electronic form.
1. Clearing agreements – текущие соглашения о расчетах
2. Carriers – носители информации
3. Plastic magnetic and microprocessing cards – пластиковые магнитные и микропро-
цессорные карты
4. In on-line mode – в режиме « он-лайн» (в онлайновом режиме)
5. Cashless – безналичные
6. Smart cards – смарт-карты, карточки со встроенной микросхемой
7. Network money – сетевые деньги
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
The Internet, or the Net, as it’s more often called, is a real bag of tricks. Some say it’s like
having 150 million consultants on tap– practically free of charge. You can seek, and usually find,
answers to every question you’ve ever had, send messages or documents across the world in a
flash, shop in another continent, sample new music, dabble in the stock market, visit art galleries,
read books, play games, chat, make new friends with similar interests, grab free software, man-
age your bank account or just fritter hours away surfing across waves of visual bubble-gum.
That’s not to say the Internet is merely something to play on when you get home from
work. Far from it. The Net is also a serious business communications tool for everyday corres-
in well-known Anonymous FTP sites. You can download copies, including back issues, whenev-
er you want.
      Aside from the ease of distribution, e-Magazines have two important advantages over their
conventional paper and ink counterparts: e-Magazines do not contain advertisements showing
people who are richer and better looking than you, having more fun than you will ever have; and
e-Magazines do not contain irritating subscription cards that fall out when you turn the pages.


      1. Scholarly journals – научные журналы
      2. Mailing list – список рассылки
      3. A new issue comes out – выходит новое издание
      4. Сonventional paper and ink counterparts – обычные печатные журналы
      5. Irritating subscription cards – раздражающие подписные карточки
      6. That fall out – которые выпадают

                             ELECTRONIC MONEY [E-MONEY]

      The term “e-Money” means different payment mechanisms for current clearing agreements
in an electronic form among producers, sellers, and consumers of goods and services.
      E-Money can be available in two forms depending on information carriers. It can be plastic
magnetic and microprocessing cards or systems on a client PC which allow to accomplish pay-
ments in on-line mode.
      If under “e-Money” we imply the accounts using magnetic credit and debit cards, then it
becomes money by transfer or cashless one. And on the contrary, if under “ e-Money” we imply
the accounts using smart cards or network money, then it is cash money in the electronic form.


     1. Clearing agreements – текущие соглашения о расчетах
     2. Carriers – носители информации
     3. Plastic magnetic and microprocessing cards – пластиковые магнитные и микропро-
цессорные карты
     4. In on-line mode – в режиме « он-лайн» (в онлайновом режиме)
     5. Cashless – безналичные
     6. Smart cards – смарт-карты, карточки со встроенной микросхемой
     7. Network money – сетевые деньги

      Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

                      OKAY, WHAT’S THIS INTERNET GOOD FOR?

       The Internet, or the Net, as it’s more often called, is a real bag of tricks. Some say it’s like
having 150 million consultants on tap– practically free of charge. You can seek, and usually find,
answers to every question you’ve ever had, send messages or documents across the world in a
flash, shop in another continent, sample new music, dabble in the stock market, visit art galleries,
read books, play games, chat, make new friends with similar interests, grab free software, man-
age your bank account or just fritter hours away surfing across waves of visual bubble-gum.
       That’s not to say the Internet is merely something to play on when you get home from
work. Far from it. The Net is also a serious business communications tool for everyday corres-
