American Сulture. Жукова Е.Ф. - 45 стр.




The teacher looked at her and said, “Could you say, ‘My, you have a fat
mother!’ Everyone laughed. Mindy’s face turned red and she looked down at the
Barbara said, laughingly, “Well, could you say that? “ She looked kindly at
Mindy with a big smile on her face, but Mindy didn’t see her because she was
looking at the floor.
Mindy didn’t answer and kept looking down. The class was still laughing.
Finally, Mindy whispered “No.”
The next day, Mindy went to the register’s office and dropped Barbara’s class.
She really wanted to go home.
VI. Sharing Common Interests
1. Superstitions
Each culture has its own superstitions. Superstitions are beliefs that are not founded
on scientific proof but nevertheless persist from generation to generation. Listed here
are a number of superstitions people in America may have.
Superstition Meaning
Breaking a mirror You will have seven years of bad luck.
Walking under a ladder You will have bad luck.
Finding a four-leaf clover You will have good luck.
A black cat’s crossing your path You will have bad luck.
The number 13 This is a very unlucky number. This
superstition is so widely believed that
many buildings do not have a 13
Knocking on wood When you receive a compliment about
yourself or a loved one or tell about
something fortunate that has happened,
you should “knock on wood” to prevent
      The teacher looked at her and said, “Could you say, ‘My, you have a fat
mother!’ Everyone laughed. Mindy’s face turned red and she looked down at the
      Barbara said, laughingly, “Well, could you say that? “ She looked kindly at
Mindy with a big smile on her face, but Mindy didn’t see her because she was
looking at the floor.
      Mindy didn’t answer and kept looking down. The class was still laughing.
Finally, Mindy whispered “No.”
      The next day, Mindy went to the register’s office and dropped Barbara’s class.
She really wanted to go home.

VI. Sharing Common Interests
1. Superstitions
Each culture has its own superstitions. Superstitions are beliefs that are not founded
on scientific proof but nevertheless persist from generation to generation. Listed here
are a number of superstitions people in America may have.

Superstition                                   Meaning
Breaking a mirror                              You will have seven years of bad luck.
Walking under a ladder                         You will have bad luck.
Finding a four-leaf clover                     You will have good luck.
A black cat’s crossing your path               You will have bad luck.
The number 13                                  This is a very unlucky number. This
                                               superstition is so widely believed that
                                               many buildings do not have a 13th floor.
Knocking on wood                               When you receive a compliment about
                                               yourself or a loved one or tell about
                                               something fortunate that has happened,
                                               you should “knock on wood” to prevent
