Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для вузов. Кислякова Н.В - 5 стр.


This technique demands special knowledge, experience and high
professional standards. The title ``pharmacist`` is conferred upon a person who
demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to work in the
pharmacy. He has a responsible role in recognizing, identifying, collecting,
preparing, testing, powdering, dissolving, mixing, compounding and dispensing
all substances. Most drugs are prepared by pharmaceutical manufacturers. They
are distributed in suitable dosage forms as tablets, capsules, liquid preparations,
or sterile solutions for injection. So, if you want to become a pharmacist you
should achieve knowledge of different subjects. Physics, chemistry, botany and
others are connected with the pharmacy.
Physics is the science which deals with matter in general. Chemistry is the
science which explains the composition of matter. It has many divisions such as
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Biochemistry and
many other fields. Botany is the science that deals with the structure, functions
and classification of plants. Pharmacology is the science of drugs.
Follow-up activities
IV. Is it true or false?
1. Pharmacy is the place where medicines are sold.
2. The pharmacist prepares medicines.
3. Drugs are distributed in suitable dosage forms.
4. The pharmacist is the person who is not capable to work in the
5. The technique of compounding demands special knowledge.
6. Chemistry is the science which deals with matter in general.
V. Complete the sentences.
1. Pharmacy is the ....
2. Drugs are distributed in suitable... ... .
3. If you want to become a pharmacist you should...knowledge of different
4. Pharmacology is the science of....
VI. Insert prepositions in, with, upon, in ,of where necessary:
1. Pharmacy is the science drugs.
2. Drugs are distributed ... suitable dosage forms
3. The title ``pharmacist`` is conferred ... a person.
4. Physics is the science which deals with matter ... general.
5. Chemistry explains ... the composition of matter.
6. It deals ... the preparation, stability and storage of drugs.
VII. Ask questions about the text and answer them.
       This technique demands special knowledge, experience and high
professional standards. The title ``pharmacist`` is conferred upon a person who
demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to work in the
pharmacy. He has a responsible role in recognizing, identifying, collecting,
preparing, testing, powdering, dissolving, mixing, compounding and dispensing
all substances. Most drugs are prepared by pharmaceutical manufacturers. They
are distributed in suitable dosage forms as tablets, capsules, liquid preparations,
or sterile solutions for injection. So, if you want to become a pharmacist you
should achieve knowledge of different subjects. Physics, chemistry, botany and
others are connected with the pharmacy.
   Physics is the science which deals with matter in general. Chemistry is the
science which explains the composition of matter. It has many divisions such as
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Biochemistry and
many other fields. Botany is the science that deals with the structure, functions
and classification of plants. Pharmacology is the science of drugs.

Follow-up activities

IV. Is it true or false?
1. Pharmacy is the place where medicines are sold.
2. The pharmacist prepares medicines.
3. Drugs are distributed in suitable dosage forms.
4. The pharmacist is the person who is not capable to work in the
5. The technique of compounding demands special knowledge.
6. Chemistry is the science which deals with matter in general.

V. Complete the sentences.
1. Pharmacy is the ....
2. Drugs are distributed in suitable... ... .
3. If you want to become a pharmacist you should...knowledge of different
4. Pharmacology is the science of....

VI. Insert prepositions in, with, upon, in ,of where necessary:
1. Pharmacy is the science … drugs.
2. Drugs are distributed ... suitable dosage forms
3. The title ``pharmacist`` is conferred ... a person.
4. Physics is the science which deals with matter ... general.
5. Chemistry explains ... the composition of matter.
6. It deals ... the preparation, stability and storage of drugs.

VII. Ask questions about the text and answer them.