Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для вузов. Кислякова Н.В - 6 стр.


Pre-reading activities
I. Match the following Russian words with their English equivalents. Write
down the transcription of those which are difficult to read.
решение pure
живой процесс mixture
наука science
свойство to define
удобный vital process
чистый solution
смесь available
ядро convenient
доступный property
определять nucleus
II. Combine the following words into pairs and translate them.
1. chemical 1. organism
2. pure 2. method
3. molecular 3. element
4. living 4. structure
5. life 5. substance
6. available 6. process
III. Read and translate the text.
The scope of chemistry
The science that we can define as the study of formation, composition,
structure and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds is called
chemistry. Chemistry may be divided into the following branches: general,
analytical, organic and inorganic, physical, industrial, structural and
biochemistry. General chemistry is the introduction to the entire science.
Analytical chemistry deals with the methods of separation of pure substances
from mixtures. Physical chemistry is the study of relations between the
properties of substances and their reactions. Industrial chemistry is the chemistry
of industrial processes. Structural chemistry deals with the molecular structure
and its relation to the properties of substances. Radiochemistry is the chemistry
of radioactive substances and of reactions involving the nuclei of atoms.
                                     UNIT 2

Pre-reading activities
I. Match the following Russian words with their English equivalents. Write
down the transcription of those which are difficult to read.

решение                                  pure
живой процесс                           mixture
наука                                    science
свойство                                to define
удобный                                 vital process
чистый                                  solution
смесь                                   available
ядро                                    convenient
доступный                               property
определять                              nucleus

II. Combine the following words into pairs and translate them.

1. chemical                              1. organism
2. pure                                  2. method
3. molecular                             3. element
4. living                                4. structure
5. life                                  5. substance
6. available                             6. process

III. Read and translate the text.

                              The scope of chemistry

  The science that we can define as the study of formation, composition,
structure and reactions of the chemical elements and their compounds is called
chemistry. Chemistry may be divided into the following branches: general,
analytical, organic and inorganic, physical, industrial, structural and
biochemistry. General chemistry is the introduction to the entire science.
Analytical chemistry deals with the methods of separation of pure substances
from mixtures. Physical chemistry is the study of relations between the
properties of substances and their reactions. Industrial chemistry is the chemistry
of industrial processes. Structural chemistry deals with the molecular structure
and its relation to the properties of substances. Radiochemistry is the chemistry
of radioactive substances and of reactions involving the nuclei of atoms.