Английский язык. Климова А.Ю - 10 стр.


One of the most important gifts we can give to a child is an animal. Above all, an
animal will help a child learn responsibility. A lesser reason, but an important one, is
that a pet, especially a dog, will return the childs love. But essentially, a child needs to
learn how to take care of something that is dependent on the child.
When you are explaining how two or more things are similar or how they are dif-
ferent, you may want to use these expressions.
To compare
Similar to similarly like, alike either/or
Correspondingly resemble almost the same as at the same time as
As just as in a like manner in the same way
Common in than also neither/nor
To contrast
Differ from however otherwise still
Nevertheless even do different from less than
More than unlike in contrast to on the other hand
Although while yet but instead
Although my friend chose to buy a car with his gift, I would have gone on vaca-
tion. He said he needed the car to go to work, but I think he should take the bus. He
also wanted the car for convenience. However, a taxi is just as convenient and doesnt
have to be serviced. We are both alike in that neither of us knows how to drive. Other-
wise, I might have bought a car, too.
When you are explaining how something caused a change in something else,
you may use these expressions
So thus consequently therefore
For this reason as a result because, because of owing to
Since due to although so that
Effective advertising wants to change peoples behaviors. Some public service
ads show coffins of people who died of lung cancer; as a result many people have quit
smoking. Other ads show glamorous people smoking; consequently young people start
to smoke. Owing to the susceptibility of youth to advertising, many cigarette ads are
not allowed near schools or on TV. Although these rules have been in effect a long
time, the number of young smokers has increased. If this is not due to advertising, what
is the reason?
If you are explaining what something is by giving an example or if you are re-
stating something for emphasis, you may use these expressions.
In other words to clarify to explain to paraphrase
As like that is for example
Such as for instance to illustrate namely
       One of the most important gifts we can give to a child is an animal. Above all, an
animal will help a child learn responsibility. A lesser reason, but an important one, is
that a pet, especially a dog, will return the child’s love. But essentially, a child needs to
learn how to take care of something that is dependent on the child.
       When you are explaining how two or more things are similar or how they are dif-
ferent, you may want to use these expressions.
      To compare
Similar to             similarly             like, alike             either/or
Correspondingly        resemble              almost the same as      at the same time as
As                     just as               in a like manner        in the same way
Common in              than                  also                    neither/nor

      To contrast
Differ from            however                 otherwise             still
Nevertheless           even do                 different from        less than
More than              unlike                  in contrast to        on the other hand
Although               while yet               but                   instead

       Although my friend chose to buy a car with his gift, I would have gone on vaca-
tion. He said he needed the car to go to work, but I think he should take the bus. He
also wanted the car for convenience. However, a taxi is just as convenient and doesn’t
have to be serviced. We are both alike in that neither of us knows how to drive. Other-
wise, I might have bought a car, too.
       When you are explaining how something caused a change in something else,
you may use these expressions
So                    thus                   consequently          therefore
For this reason       as a result            because, because of owing to
Since                 due to                 although              so that

       Effective advertising wants to change people’s behaviors. Some public service
ads show coffins of people who died of lung cancer; as a result many people have quit
smoking. Other ads show glamorous people smoking; consequently young people start
to smoke. Owing to the susceptibility of youth to advertising, many cigarette ads are
not allowed near schools or on TV. Although these rules have been in effect a long
time, the number of young smokers has increased. If this is not due to advertising, what
is the reason?
       If you are explaining what something is by giving an example or if you are re-
stating something for emphasis, you may use these expressions.
In other words         to clarify           to explain             to paraphrase
As                     like                 that is                for example
Such as                for instance         to illustrate          namely