Английский язык. Климова А.Ю - 9 стр.


Verb: discuss Synonyms
Discuss Argue confer, debate, dispute, elaborate, examine, ex-
plain, hash over, reason
Noun: discussion Synonyms
Discussion Argument, conversation, discourse, explanation
Read the paragraph below and look for the synonyms of discuss and discussion.
Last month I had a dispute with my parents. It started as a simple conversation
that turned into an argument. I wanted to take a year off from school. Of course, my
parents argued that I should stay in school. I tried to reason with them; I tried to per-
suade them that taking a year from school and working would be valuable experience.
My explanation fell on deaf ears, and they refused to let me continue the discussion.
They felt I had not thoroughly examined the issue and saw no reason to debate the sub-
ject any longer. I conferred with my sister who felt we could hash it over later when my
parents were in a better mood.
Transition Words
Transition words and phrases will help your reader follow your ideas from sen-
tence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph. Without transitional words and
phrases, your ideas will stand alone, unrelated to the thesis of your essay.
When you are explaining the sequence of events, you may use these expressions
Before next then often
After during always sometime
Since while meanwhile at the same time
The school counselors should help students who are new to a school. Before the
first day of school, they should give an orientation to the building. On the opening day,
they should introduce the students to the teachers. After the students have used to their
classes, the counselors should find out about any hobbies that the students might have
and recommend some extracurricular clubs. Sometime during the first month, the coun-
selor should invite the parents to visit the school so they can meet the teachers and ad-
When you are explaining why one thing is more or less important than another
thing, you may want to use these expressions
Most important first primarily essentially
Less important second secondary principally
Basically subordinate lesser chiefly


Verb: discuss                 Synonyms
Discuss                       Argue confer, debate, dispute, elaborate, examine, ex-
                              plain, hash over, reason
Noun: discussion              Synonyms
Discussion                    Argument, conversation, discourse, explanation

       Read the paragraph below and look for the synonyms of discuss and discussion.
       Last month I had a dispute with my parents. It started as a simple conversation
that turned into an argument. I wanted to take a year off from school. Of course, my
parents argued that I should stay in school. I tried to reason with them; I tried to per-
suade them that taking a year from school and working would be valuable experience.
My explanation fell on deaf ears, and they refused to let me continue the discussion.
They felt I had not thoroughly examined the issue and saw no reason to debate the sub-
ject any longer. I conferred with my sister who felt we could hash it over later when my
parents were in a better mood.

                                      Transition Words
      Transition words and phrases will help your reader follow your ideas from sen-
tence to sentence and from paragraph to paragraph. Without transitional words and
phrases, your ideas will stand alone, unrelated to the thesis of your essay.
      When you are explaining the sequence of events, you may use these expressions
Before                next                    then                    often
After                 during                  always                  sometime
Since                 while                   meanwhile               at the same time

       The school counselors should help students who are new to a school. Before the
first day of school, they should give an orientation to the building. On the opening day,
they should introduce the students to the teachers. After the students have used to their
classes, the counselors should find out about any hobbies that the students might have
and recommend some extracurricular clubs. Sometime during the first month, the coun-
selor should invite the parents to visit the school so they can meet the teachers and ad-
       When you are explaining why one thing is more or less important than another
thing, you may want to use these expressions
Most important          first                  primarily              essentially
Less important          second                 secondary              principally
Basically               subordinate            lesser                 chiefly