Английский язык. Климова А.Ю - 7 стр.


3. It is good that English is becoming the world language.
From my point of view it is good that English is becoming the world language.
You can use different verbs to show how strongly you feel about something.
Key words
Agree Realize Believe
Suppose Guess Think
Hope Understand Imagine
I agree that studying science is more important than studying literature.
I hope that people remember the special gifts I gave them.
I understand why people like to work with their hands.
You can use different adjectives to show how strongly you feel about something.
Key words
Certain convinced
Positive sure
I am certain that movies influence peoples behavior.
I am convinced that having a pet can contribute to a childs development.
I am positive that a shopping center in my neighborhood will be a benefit to our
You can use different adverbials to qualify your opinion. These adverbials show
how strongly you feel about something.
Key words
Possibly probably certainly no doubt
Perhaps presumably doubtless definitely
Daily exercise definitely should be a part of every school day.
Doubtless, helping a child to learn to read is important.
Perhaps growing up in the countryside is better than growing up in the city.
You can use different adverbials to make a general statement about how you feel
about something.
Key words
All in all basically generally
All things considered essentially on the whole
Altogether for the most part as a rule
      3. It is good that English is becoming the world language.
      From my point of view it is good that English is becoming the world language.
      You can use different verbs to show how strongly you feel about something.

      Key words
Agree                         Realize                       Believe
Suppose                       Guess                         Think
Hope                          Understand                    Imagine

      I agree that studying science is more important than studying literature.
      I hope that people remember the special gifts I gave them.
      I understand why people like to work with their hands.

      You can use different adjectives to show how strongly you feel about something.

      Key words
Certain                                        convinced
Positive                                       sure

      I am certain that movies influence people’s behavior.
      I am convinced that having a pet can contribute to a child’s development.
      I am positive that a shopping center in my neighborhood will be a benefit to our
      You can use different adverbials to qualify your opinion. These adverbials show
how strongly you feel about something.
      Key words

Possibly              probably                 certainly            no doubt
Perhaps               presumably               doubtless            definitely

      Daily exercise definitely should be a part of every school day.
      Doubtless, helping a child to learn to read is important.
      Perhaps growing up in the countryside is better than growing up in the city.

       You can use different adverbials to make a general statement about how you feel
about something.
       Key words
All in all                    basically                     generally
All things considered         essentially                    on the whole
Altogether                    for the most part             as a rule