Письменный перевод в сфере экономики и бизнеса. Княжева Е.А. - 7 стр.



6. The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
7. TCS Daily (http://www.tcsdaily.com/
8. World Growth (http://www.worldgrowth.org/
9. The Heritage Foundation (http://www.heritage.org/
10. AWorldConnected (http://www.aworldconnected.org/
5.3. Anti-Globalisation Individuals
1. George Monbiot (http://www.monbiot.com/
2. Naomi Klein (http://www.nologo.org/
3. Martin Khor (http://www.twnside.org.sg/
4. Mary Robinson (http://www.eginitiative.org/
5. Vandana Shiva (http://www.navdanya.org/
6. John Ralston Saul (www.abc.net.au/specials/saul/default.htm
5.4. Pro-Globalisation Individuals
1. Johan Norberg (http://www.johannorberg.net/
2. Douglas A. Irwin (www.dartmouth.edu/~dirwin/
3. Jagdish Bhagwati (www.columbia.edu/~jb38/
4. Martin Wolf
5. Philippe Legrain (http://www.philippelegrain.com/
6. Mike Moore (http://www.mike-moore.info/
Task 6. Vocabulary.
Find the Russian equivalents of these terms.
Company – a formal association of persons for business purposes,
especially a corporation or group of persons legally incorporated under company
law; in AmE – a general word for any business, whether it is a sole
proprietorship, or a partnership, or a corporation
6. The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
7. TCS Daily (http://www.tcsdaily.com/)
8. World Growth (http://www.worldgrowth.org/)
9. The Heritage Foundation (http://www.heritage.org/)
10. AWorldConnected (http://www.aworldconnected.org/)
5.3. Anti-Globalisation Individuals
1. George Monbiot (http://www.monbiot.com/)
2. Naomi Klein (http://www.nologo.org/)
3. Martin Khor (http://www.twnside.org.sg/)
4. Mary Robinson (http://www.eginitiative.org/)
5. Vandana Shiva (http://www.navdanya.org/)
6. John Ralston Saul (www.abc.net.au/specials/saul/default.htm)

5.4. Pro-Globalisation Individuals

1. Johan Norberg (http://www.johannorberg.net/)
2. Douglas A. Irwin (www.dartmouth.edu/~dirwin/)
3. Jagdish Bhagwati (www.columbia.edu/~jb38/)
4. Martin Wolf
5. Philippe Legrain (http://www.philippelegrain.com/)
6. Mike Moore (http://www.mike-moore.info/)

Task 6. Vocabulary.
Find the Russian equivalents of these terms.

      Company – a formal association of persons for business purposes,
especially a corporation or group of persons legally incorporated under company
law; in AmE – a general word for any business, whether it is a sole
proprietorship, or a partnership, or a corporation