Step by step. Кочетова Л.А. - 69 стр.



II. Exercise 1. Paraphrase the words in italics using care, careless,
1. I don’t really like wine. 2. Who will look after you when
you’re old? 3. Would you like a drink? 4. She spends too much money.
5. Try to do your work with a bit more serious attention and effort.
6. He’s an inattentive driver: he never thinks about what he’s doing.
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with one suitable word
raise — rise
1. The price of fruit and vegetables are not likely ... during the
summer. 2. He ... the rifle to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. 3.
Biatnics ... clumsily from the table, shaking the cups and saucers. 4. If
you agree with my suggestion ... your hands. 5. The quarrel ... from a
mere trifle.
Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian
and get ready for back translation.
1. He asked her to marry him and she accepted the offer. 2. Did
she accept your reason for being late? 3. For a long time she couldn’t
accept the fact of her husband death. 4. It is generally accepted that
smoking causes bad health. 5. There’s some doubt whether John will
come on time. 6. I doubt his honesty. 7. I doubt that she will get the job.
8. I don’t doubt that he is telling the truth. 9. I’ve no doubt who did it.
10. It was without doubt the most successful film of the year. 11. No
doubt he was just trying to help. 12. He’s quite sure that the business
will do well, but I still have my doubts about it. 13. The whole matter
is still in doubt. 14. No doubt you’ll be at the party to night. 15. The
news of her arrival excited the crowd. 16. She’s very excited about
getting a part in the results of the experiments. 17. The excited children
were opening their Christmas presents. 18. Their new record is nothing
to get excited about. 19. Life will seem very quiet, after the excitements
of our holiday. 20. I’ll call for you at 9 o’clock. 21. We can call on Mary
tomorrow. 22. She refused his offer. 23. I told him to come back but he
refused to. 24. We were refused permission to enter. 25. The voices rose
higher and higher with excitement. 26. The price of bread has risen by
15%. 27. He rose from his knees. 28. She rose to greet her guests. 29. It
was careless of you to lose the documents. 30. He raised the lid of the
     II. Exercise 1. Paraphrase the words in italics using care, careless,
     1. I don’t really like wine. 2. Who will look after you when
you’re old? 3. Would you like a drink? 4. She spends too much money.
5. Try to do your work with a bit more serious attention and effort.
6. He’s an inattentive driver: he never thinks about what he’s doing.

     Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with one suitable word
                             raise — rise
     1. The price of fruit and vegetables are not likely ... during the
summer. 2. He ... the rifle to his shoulder and pulled the trigger. 3.
Biatnics ... clumsily from the table, shaking the cups and saucers. 4. If
you agree with my suggestion ... your hands. 5. The quarrel ... from a
mere trifle.

     Exercise 3. Translate the sentences from English into Russian
                 and get ready for back translation.
       1. He asked her to marry him and she accepted the offer. 2. Did
she accept your reason for being late? 3. For a long time she couldn’t
accept the fact of her husband death. 4. It is generally accepted that
smoking causes bad health. 5. There’s some doubt whether John will
come on time. 6. I doubt his honesty. 7. I doubt that she will get the job.
8. I don’t doubt that he is telling the truth. 9. I’ve no doubt who did it.
10. It was without doubt the most successful film of the year. 11. No
doubt he was just trying to help. 12. He’s quite sure that the business
will do well, but I still have my doubts about it. 13. The whole matter
is still in doubt. 14. No doubt you’ll be at the party to night. 15. The
news of her arrival excited the crowd. 16. She’s very excited about
getting a part in the results of the experiments. 17. The excited children
were opening their Christmas presents. 18. Their new record is nothing
to get excited about. 19. Life will seem very quiet, after the excitements
of our holiday. 20. I’ll call for you at 9 o’clock. 21. We can call on Mary
tomorrow. 22. She refused his offer. 23. I told him to come back but he
refused to. 24. We were refused permission to enter. 25. The voices rose
higher and higher with excitement. 26. The price of bread has risen by
15%. 27. He rose from his knees. 28. She rose to greet her guests. 29. It
was careless of you to lose the documents. 30. He raised the lid of the

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