8 (Man) I hate to say it, but I didn't get much out of this course on urban economics.
(Woman) What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Narrator) What can be said about the woman?
9 (Man) Do you carry books on early American crafts?
(Woman) Well, we used to, but we couldn't sell many. If you need a specific text, you could write di-
rectly to the publisher.
(Narrator) Where is this conversation taking place?
10 (Man) Despite his age, Edward is the best cross-country skier I have ever seen.
(Woman) Oh, he really is. Last year, he came in first in a ten-mile race.
(Narrator) What can be said about Edward?
Exercise 1 Translate from Russian into English:
1 Концерт имел большой успех, и плата за билеты была достойной.
2 Участок сильно зарос травой, и его срочно нужно было привести в порядок.
3 Линия живой изгороди проходила по всей территории их дома, что придавало красивый и уют-
ный вид всей территории.
4 Плата за предлагаемые услуги была высока, но они решили отдохнуть, не думая абсолютно ни о
5 Несмотря на нехватку времени и болезнь, она сумела сдать экзамены вовремя.
6 У тебя есть фильмы с участием Чарли Чаплина?
(Narrator) Questions below refer to the following dialogue about popcorn.
First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) outrageous [ ] неистовый, жестокий, возмутительный; оскорбительный
2) pot [ ] – горшок, котелок, (pl.) куча денег, марихуана (разг.); приз
3) kernel [ ] – зерно, ядро (ореха)
(Man) Even if we are going to stay home to watch the movie, we should still make popcorn.
That way, we can have it like we would in a movie theater without having to bother with driving, parking,
and paying the outrageous ticket prices.
(Woman) What a great idea! But we don't have a popcorn popper.
(Man) No problem. All we need is a cooking pot and a little oil. You can pop popcorn in anything that
you can heat up to four hundred degrees. That's how the settlers did it before poppers even existed. Actually
air corn poppers are best, and they don't cost much.
(Woman) Oil adds calories. Without oil, you can have as much of it as you want. Not only does it taste
good, it's also good for you.
(Man) We can't do without oil. We'll have burned corn kernels, not popped. Oil heats the corn kernel
and makes the moisture turn to steam and burst.
(Woman) All right, but don't add a lot of it. It's amazing how much bigger the popped corn is compared to
the kernel. I read somewhere that popped corn is thirty to forty times larger. Just imagine that!
(Man) Here, have some. And you said we needed a corn popper.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 Where is this conversation taking place?
2 What is necessary to make popcorn?
3 What can be said about air corn poppers?
4 What does the woman say about oil?
5 Why is oil necessary for popping corn?
6 What will happen if oil is not used for popping corn?
7 How can the size of the popped corn be compared to that of the kernel?
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