Говори и наслаждайся (Speak and Enjoy). Колодина Н.И - 47 стр.


S E C T I O N 5
(Narrator) In this section, you will demonstrate your skills in understanding spoken English. There are
three parts in the Listening Comprehension section, with different tasks in each.
P a r t A
DIRECTIONS: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversa-
tion, a third speaker will ask a question about what the two speakers said. Each conversation and each ques-
tion will be spoken only one time. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what each speaker says.
First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) feel a draft [ ] – чувствовать себя не в своей тарелке
2) figure out [ ]вычислять, постигать
3) afford (to) [ ]быть в состоянии что-либо делать; предоставлять, давать
4) pass [ ] – проходить, миновать, переезжать, передавать, превращаться, сдавать
5) outfit [ ]снаряжение, группа, компания, часть (военная)
6) shade [ ] – тень, экран, абажур, оттенок, нюанс, незначительное количество чего-либо
7) requirement [ ] – требование
8) ill at ease [ ] – неловко
9) helping [ ] – порция (кушанья)
10) complaint [ ] – жалоба, недовольство, недомогание, иск
11) be on smb’s way [ ]по пути
12) legible [ ]разборчивый, четкий
13) seat [ ] – сажать, сидеть, вмещать, находиться
Now let us begin Part A with question number 1.
1 (Woman) I feel a draft. Is the window shut?
(Man) When they left, they didn't close the door.
(Narrator) What does the man mean?
2 (Man) Rich surely spends a lot of time studying.
(Woman) Had he known that the math class requires so much work, he would have taken it next year.
(Narrator) What does the woman mean?
3 (Woman) What were those people asking you?
(Man) They were wondering if the picture is for sale.
(Narrator) What does the man mean?
4 (Man) Jim was excited about something.
(Woman) He spent fifteen minutes telling me about a magazine article he found very interesting.
(Narrator) What does the woman say about Jim?
5 (Woman) What do you mean you're moving? Your car is falling apart.
(Man) Once I figured out that I couldn't afford a new car, I decided to find a better apartment.
(Narrator) What does the man mean?
6 (Man) Slow down! You are passing every car on the road.
(Woman) Most drivers don't observe the speed limit unless they think the police will stop them.
(Narrator) What does the woman imply?
7 (Woman) I like that woman's outfit. I think black is always a practical color for office clothes.
(Man) Now that shades of pink are in fashion again, black looks outdated.
(Narrator) What does the man mean?
8 (Man) When I came from work at 5:30, the bank was closed already.