Говори и наслаждайся (Speak and Enjoy). Колодина Н.И - 52 стр.


2) traffic [ ] – уличное движение, транспорт, торговля
3) enforce [ ] – принуждать, приводить в жизнь
4) highway [ ]автомагистраль, шоссе
5) blizzard [ ] – метель, буран, снежная буря
6) verify [ ] – проверять; подтверждать; устанавливать подлинность, истинность чего-либо
7) beat [ ] – удар; ритм; маршрут патрулирования, дозора
8) tedious [ ]скучный, утомительный
(Woman) Those of you who aspire to enter the police force have the idea that being a police officer
is exciting. Your training in the academy will teach you skills you've never even thought of. Whereas
some aspects of the job can be interesting, the daily tasks that police officers perform are unexciting. Pa-
trolling streets and assisting people with various problems are not the most interesting aspects of the job.
On the city streets, traffic officers in charge of public safety direct traffic, enforce parking and speed
laws, and
verify the licensing of vehicles. Most police officers consider such assignments as walking the beat tedi-
ous. Because they are always watching for signs of trouble or disturbance, officers may be under a great
deal of stress. Occasionally, highway police officers have to change tires for motorists who can't do the job
themselves, and sometimes they do it in the pouring rain or during a blizzard. When officers are called
upon to resolve disputes or protect victims of crime, their personal safety can't always be guaranteed.
Writing police reports and memos is another necessary part of police officers' work. Few officers enjoy it,
but all of them have to do it.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 What is the main idea of this talk?
2 How did the speaker describe the daily tasks of a police officer?
3 Which aspects of police work can be dangerous?
4 According to the speaker, which aspect of police work has to be performed by all officers?
5 What can be said about the majority of police activity?
Exercise 2 Translate from Russian into English.
1 На автомагистралях движение транспорта очень напряженное.
2 Полицейские вынуждены патрулировать улицы и в дождь, и в метель, и в жару.
3 Одной из обязанностей полицейских является проверка водительских прав и осмотр транспорта.
4 Если работа кажется человеку скучной, он может найти другую или попытаться изменить что-
нибудь в ней сам.
5 Он был очень независимым человеком и всегда сам решал свои проблемы.
6 У него был свой вкус и взгляд на вещи, потому что родители старались никогда его не принуж-
дать делать то, что ему не нравилось.
(Narrator) Questions below refer to the following talk about American literature.
First learn the words and word combinations by heart given below:
1) bay [ ]бухта, залив, ниша, лавровое дерево, лай
2) wilderness [ ] – дикая местность, пустыня
3) encounter [ ]неожиданная встреча, стычка
4) insight [ ] – проницательность, интуиция
5) tailor [ ]портной
6) nonetheless [ ]тем не менее, все же
7) fever [ ]лихорадка, возбуждение
(Woman) Most people don't know that when settlers first arrived in America and during their first century
in their new country, they produced an enormous amount of writing. They described their adventures in the
wilderness, settlements, nature, and their encounters with strange people. They kept detailed chronicles of