their lives, and some produced literally volumes. The colonial writing became a very large body of material
that served as inspiration for the writers even in the 19th century. Today, for readers it provides insight and
understanding of the experiences that helped shape the American national character and legal institutions.
Contrary to what most Americans believe, the first permanent American settlement was a result of commer-
cial, rather than religious, interests. The Virginia Company established the Jamestown colony in 1607 and
expected that it would attract the trade from the English who traveled through the area. However, their ex-
pectations were unrealistic, and only several tailors came to the town during its first year. Nonetheless, the
records from the colony, epidemic fevers, Indian raids, and property conflicts with Indian tribes provide us
with rich heritage from which to study and learn.
A large number of settlers in New England, specifically at Massachusetts Bay, were highly educated, espe-
cially clergymen and government officials. They produced a considerable body of writing, although they
were not writers in the professional sense. They were primarily concerned about building a new civil society
on which their lives and fortunes depended. The governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company, John Win-
throp, moved the office of his company from London to Boston Bay. This move allowed the colony to be-
come a powerful center based on self-government. As all governments, the Puritans also documented their
procedures and decisions and created large amounts of writing. Salem and Plymouth were prospering cities,
and Harvard, the first colonial university, was established in Massachusetts.
In the Middle Colonies, the Quaker city of Philadelphia had become the colonial center by 1750. Attracted
by the volume of the commercial activity in the city, many settlers moved there and established schools and
libraries. Of course, all Americans know that both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
were signed in Philadelphia. Actual literary work was also created at that time and included observations of
natural history and collections of essays, such as William Penn's famous Some Fruits of Solitude, published
in 1693.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 What is the main topic of this talk?
2 Why did early settlers write?
3 According to the speaker, why do readers today need to read these early accounts?
4 Who established the first American settlement?
5 Where did American self-government first begin?
6 In what city was the Constitution written?
7 What did first American literary work include?
Exercise 2 Translate from Russian into English:
1 В древности племена, осваивающие дикие места, встречались с многочисленными трудностями.
И все же, если сравнивать наших предков с нами, они были более приспособленными к трудным
условиям жизни.
2 Наследие, оставленное нам предками, необходимо беречь и извлекать из него уроки.
3 На лето она уезжала в дом у бухты и находила вдохновение во всем, что ее окружало.
4 На протяжении многих поколений мужчины были портными и это занятие принесло им славу и
5 Неожиданная встреча изменила всю их жизнь и заставила больше доверять интуиции.
6 Священники дарили людям веру и надежду, но в борьбе с болезнями, такими как лихорадка, они
порой были бессильны.
7 Набеги из соседних деревень осуществлялись все чаще, и вскоре большая (огромная) по числен-
ности деревня была завоевана из-за многочисленных потерь.
Text 1 Read, translate and retell.
- « первая
- ‹ предыдущая
- …
- 51
- 52
- 53
- 54
- 55
- …
- следующая ›
- последняя »