2 Умение поддержать разговор, адекватно отреагировать на вопрос говорит о вашем умении кон-
тактировать с людьми и работать в команде.
3 На собеседовании именно первое впечатление играет решающую роль.
4 Если в вашей одежде все гармонирует, она опрятна, то вы произведете впечатление ответствен-
ного и надежного работника.
5 Если при первой встрече вы будете хорошо организованы, искренни, вежливы, то вы имеете все
шансы получить предложение о работе, и даже потом какие-то мелкие оплошности вам могут
(Narrator) Questions below refer to a talk about the Boston Tea Party.
(Woman) In 1767, the British imposed heavy taxes on goods sold in America. The taxation caused a public
uproar, and eventually, all but one of the taxes were repealed. The tax that remained in effect had to do with
the sale of tea imported from Britain or other colonies. In addition to this tax, the British government allowed
one company to sell tea at lower prices, and American merchants were afraid that they could not compete
fairly. At first, when tea arrived in Boston Harbor, the local merchants protested and attempted to have the
tea returned to England. This attempt failed, but on December 16, 1773, about 100 colonists raided three
British merchant vessels anchored in Boston Harbor and threw 342 containers of tea overboard into the wa-
ters of the Atlantic Ocean. This raid was called the Boston Tea Party by the Boston newspapers.
Exercise 1 Answer the questions.
1 What is the main idea of this talk?
2 When did the Boston Tea Party take place?
3 How many British ships did colonists raid?
4 Why did colonists throw the tea overboard?
Exercise 2 Translate from Russian into English.
1 Люди, занимающиеся торговлей, должны быть готовы к уплате налогов за их деятельность.
2 Конкуренция – важная составляющая торговли.
3 Очень часто изменение законов, смена власти в стране приводили к общественным беспорядкам
4 Импорт и экспорт товаров в большой степени осуществляется посредством морских судов.
5 В бухте постоянно стояли на якоре корабли, и местные мальчишки проводили здесь часы и дни,
мечтая в будущем отправиться на одном из кораблей в далекое плавание.
(Narrator) Questions below refer to a talk on political polling.
(Man) In political polling, the purpose of any sample is to produce results that can be useful. Therefore, the
findings have to be valid and reliable, and a sample has to be large enough to represent the voters' opinions.
Of course, we all understand that political polls cannot be one hundred percent accurate, but still, the margin
of error cannot exceed two or three percent. If poll results exceed that, they may not be valid. Even five per-
cent is excessive.
As a rule, political polls are not completely reliable. Any pollster will tell you that they cannot scientifically
predict outcomes. They describe people's attitudes at a certain moment in time, but people's attitudes obvi-
ously change as events continue to occur.
The sample of the population has to include various groups of people that represent all voters and not just a
selected minority. Let me give you an example. In 1936, Literary Digest, a popular publication at the time,
decided to conduct a political poll. They used the telephone to obtain their sample and tried to predict if Alf
Landon would be the next president. I'd like to remind you that Landon was defeated by a landslide and lost
to Franklin Roosevelt. His defeat by the majority of the electorate was one of the worst in history. Although
the Literary Digest poll predicted that Landon would win, the prediction was clearly off the mark. So, what
went wrong? Well, in 1936, only wealthy people could afford to have a telephone. And the wealthy strongly
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