Английский язык. Часть II. Коныгина Г.И - 4 стр.


In the text, you will find the following words (1 15). Match the words with
their definitions (a o).
1. exuberant a an Anglican priest who is in charge of a church and a parish
2. respectively
b the small but important details or aspects of something, nu-
ances, particularities, special features
3. parlour
c a strong desire to achieve something high or great, ambition,
longing, craving
4. ridicule d a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honoured,
fame, popularity, prominence
5. rector e a number of people or things that follow each other in time
or order, series, sequence, chain, progression
6. subtleties f to make someone/something look silly by laughing at them
or it in an unkind way, make fun of, mock, deride
7. noteworthy g a room in a private house used for the reception
entertainment of guests
8. amusement h a person who has done advanced study in a special field,
researcher, theoretician, a learned person
9. suitor i deserving to be noticed or to receive attention because it is
unusual, important or interesting, worth mentioning
10. fruition j full of energy, excitement and happiness, cheerful, passion-
ate, enthusiastic
11. socialize k a man who courts a particular woman or seeks to marry her
12. succession l in the same order as the people or things already mentioned
13. renown m a game, an activity, etc. that provides entertainment and
pleasure; pastime, recreation
14. scholar n the successful result, completion, realization, achievement,
fulfilment, termination
15. aspiration o to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in or-
der to enjoy yourself; mix, mingle
The text that follows allows you to become familiar with the face behind the
name Jane Austen.
Work with a partner. The following text is divided into parts (A J). Ar-
range the parts in the correct order to make a complete text about Jane
Austens life and creative activity. There is an example at the beginning.
1 C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10___
In the text, you will find the following words (1 – 15). Match the words with
their definitions (a – o).

1. exuberant          a an Anglican priest who is in charge of a church and a parish
2. respectively       b the small but important details or aspects of something, nu-
                        ances, particularities, special features
3. parlour            c a strong desire to achieve something high or great, ambition,
                        longing, craving
4. ridicule           d a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honoured,
                        fame, popularity, prominence
5. rector             e a number of people or things that follow each other in time
                        or order, series, sequence, chain, progression
6. subtleties         f to make someone/something look silly by laughing at them
                        or it in an unkind way, make fun of, mock, deride
7. noteworthy         g a room in a private house used for the reception and
                        entertainment of guests
8. amusement          h a person who has done advanced study in a special field,
                        researcher, theoretician, a learned person
9. suitor             i deserving to be noticed or to receive attention because it is
                        unusual, important or interesting, worth mentioning
10. fruition          j full of energy, excitement and happiness, cheerful, passion-
                        ate, enthusiastic
11. socialize         k a man who courts a particular woman or seeks to marry her
12. succession        l in the same order as the people or things already mentioned
13. renown            m a game, an activity, etc. that provides entertainment and
                        pleasure; pastime, recreation
14. scholar           n the successful result, completion, realization, achievement,
                        fulfilment, termination
15. aspiration        o to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in or-
                        der to enjoy yourself; mix, mingle


  The text that follows allows you to become familiar with the face behind the
name Jane Austen.

Work with a partner. The following text is divided into parts (A – J). Ar-
range the parts in the correct order to make a complete text about Jane
Austen’s life and creative activity. There is an example at the beginning.

1C       2        3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10___
