Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов 5-го курса исторического факультета. Коныгина Г.И. - 27 стр.



Could someone sum up what has been said?
Let’s just run through the arguments for and against.
Note: Has anybody of you anything to say?
cannot be used
: any of you Has anybody anything to add?
some of you Somebody must know the answer.
all of you but Everybody will have to finish this off
each of you at home.
none of you Nobody managed to get them all
Repetition and Responses
1. Louder, please.
Speak up.
Say it louder.
Say it a bit louder, please.
Once again, but louder.
Say it so that everyone can hear you.
I can’t hear you. Say it again, but this time louder.
2. More clearly.
Speak more clearly.
Not so quickly, I can’t follow you.
3. Not so loud.
There’s no need to shout.
I’m not deaf.
4. Again, please.
Once more.
Once again, please.
Say it again.
Say it once more.
Once again, but more fluently.
Let’s try it again.
Again, but more quickly this time.
Repeat, please.
Repeat after me:
” It’s a blue car”
Say after me:
” He has gone”
Say it after me.
5. The whole sentence, please.
Use a complete sentence.
Begin with a question word.
Try it again from the beginning.
6. Don’t help him .
Don’t whisper the answer.
I’m sure she can manage on her own.

    Could someone sum up what has been said?
    Let’s just run through the arguments for and against.
    Note: • Has anybody of you anything to say?
            “Anybody”, “somebody”, “nobody” and “everybody” cannot be used
            with “of”: any of you             Has anybody anything to add?
                      some of you            Somebody must know the answer.
                      all of you    but      Everybody will have to finish this off
                      each of you            at home.
                      none of you             Nobody managed to get them all
Repetition and Responses
1. Louder, please.
    Speak up.
    Say it louder.
    Say it a bit louder, please.
    Once again, but louder.
    Say it so that everyone can hear you.
    I can’t hear you. Say it again, but this time louder.
2. More clearly.
    Speak more clearly.
    Not so quickly, I can’t follow you.
3. Not so loud.
    There’s no need to shout.
    I’m not deaf.
4. Again, please.
    Once more.
    Once again, please.
    Say it again.
    Say it once more.
    Once again, but more fluently.
    Let’s try it again.
    Again, but more quickly this time.
    Repeat, please.
    Repeat after me:” It’s a blue car”.
    Say after me:” He has gone”.
    Say it after me.
5. The whole sentence, please.
    Use a complete sentence.
    Begin with a question word.
    Try it again from the beginning.
6. Don’t help him .
    Don’t whisper the answer.
    I’m sure she can manage on her own.