Doing Business in Russia. Котова К.П - 57 стр.



VII. Reproduce the situation from the text using the following words and collo-
threatening imperial character; the conquest of the Caucasus (1864) and Central
Asia (1880); population with different traditions; colonial policy to integrate into
a single nation; to acquire institutions of national statehood; national personnel
at the nations outskirts; the population numbers more than four million people
in the Caucasus of Russia; there is an overpopulation in the rural regions; Kras-
nodar and Stavropol regions have been taken in refugees; It does not mean un-
solvable conflicts in principle; all that Russia can do is to observe the sluggish
civil war in the Caucasus; maximum economic independence.
VIII. Translate into English using conditionals:
1) Если доходы растут, спрос на многие товары и услуги будет тоже расти .
2) Если бы цена на масло упала , спрос на маргарин тоже бы упал. 3) Если
бы я была в Москве , я бы послушала его лекцию . 4) Если бы он указал на
ошибки , мы бы нашли пути решения проблемы. 5) Если бы менеджер сде -
лал более тщательное исследование , он бы обнаружил нарушение в ры-
ночных отношениях . 6) Если бы я знал, что он будет читать лекцию в уни-
верситете , я бы обязательно пришел.
Rewrite in direct speech:
1) He says that the next year will be a difficult year. 2) He promised that the ma-
chine would be installed the following Wednesday. 3) He said that they had
reached the agreement. 4) He told them to be prepared for redundancies. 5) He
said that our prices were too high. 6) He said that he had signed the contract.
7) He said that business would be improved. 8) She asked when the new per-
formance would start. 9) She asked if anyone wanted to take retirement.
X. Work in pairs. Ask your partner what is wrong in the Northern Caucasus.
Discuss five snares, which sharpen the situation in the Caucasus.
XI. Give short definition of:

VII. Reproduce the situation from the text using the following words and collo-
threatening imperial character; the conquest of the Caucasus (1864) and Central
Asia (1880); population with different traditions; colonial policy to integrate into
a single nation; to acquire institutions of national statehood; national personnel
at the nation’s outskirts; the population numbers more than four million people
in the Caucasus of Russia; there is an overpopulation in the rural regions; Kras-
nodar and Stavropol regions have been taken in refugees; It does not mean un-
solvable conflicts in principle; all that Russia can do is to observe the sluggish
civil war in the Caucasus; maximum economic independence.
VIII. Translate into English using conditionals:
1) Если доходы растут, спрос на многие товары и услуги будет тоже расти.
2) Если бы цена на масло упала, спрос на маргарин тоже бы упал. 3) Если
бы я была в Москве, я бы послушала его лекцию. 4) Если бы он указал на
ошибки, мы бы нашли пути решения проблемы. 5) Если бы менеджер сде-
лал более тщательное исследование, он бы обнаружил нарушение в ры-
ночных отношениях. 6) Если бы я знал, что он будет читать лекцию в уни-
верситете, я бы обязательно пришел.
IX.   Rewrite in direct speech:
1) He says that the next year will be a difficult year. 2) He promised that the ma-
chine would be installed the following Wednesday. 3) He said that they had
reached the agreement. 4) He told them to be prepared for redundancies. 5) He
said that our prices were too high. 6) He said that he had signed the contract.
7) He said that business would be improved. 8) She asked when the new per-
formance would start. 9) She asked if anyone wanted to take retirement.
X.    Work in pairs. Ask your partner what is wrong in the Northern Caucasus.
      Discuss five snares, which sharpen the situation in the Caucasus.
XI.   Give short definition of: