Geography. Козлова Е.П. - 102 стр.



19.7 Герундий (The Gerund)
Герундийнеличная форма глагола, имеющая грамматические особенности
как глагола, так и существительного и выражающая действие как процесс.
Таблица 6 – Формы герундия
Active Passive
Indefinite writing being written
Perfect having written having been written
Функции герундия:
a good film is а pleasure. (подлежащее)
His favorite occupation is seeing a good film. (часть составного сказуемого)
I like seeing
an interesting film. (прямое дополнение)
We thought of seeing
a film after supper. (предложное дополнение)
We went home without seeing
the film. (обстоятельство)
I’m glad to have the opportunity of seeing
this film. (определение)
Translate into Russian paying attention to the different functions of the Gerund
1. Forecasting weather with great accuracy is no easy matter. 2. Cooling may be
caused by radiation, by contact with cold surfaces, by mixing masses of air of
different temperatures. 3. The sole object of our expedition was exploring the floor of
the Pacific Ocean. 4. The most important thing in contemporary weather analysis is
studying the properties of individual, discrete masses of air and the changes resulting
when they meet. 5. The students insisted on being sent to the mine. 6. The students
were against being helped with their work. 7. Improved methods of observing
atmosphere are developed. 8. There are reasons for believing that the floor of the
Pacific is composed of basalt. 9. A seismograph is an instrument for recording
vibrations of the earth’s crust. 10. Nobody knew of their having returned from the
expedition. 11. By analysing satellite cloud photographs, meteorologist may even
estimate the maximum wind speed of different storms. 12. On leaving the Strait
Florida, the Gulf Stream is several hundred feet deep and about one hundred miles
wide. 13. When large ice masses reach the warmer lower altitudes they stop
advancing and begin to melt.
   19.7 Герундий (The Gerund)

   Герундий – неличная форма глагола, имеющая грамматические особенности
как глагола, так и существительного и выражающая действие как процесс.

Таблица 6 – Формы герундия

                                   Active                        Passive
  Indefinite                     writing                       being written
  Perfect                        having written                having been written

                                  Функции герундия:

  Seeing a good film is а pleasure. (подлежащее)
  His favorite occupation is seeing a good film. (часть составного сказуемого)
  I like seeing an interesting film. (прямое дополнение)
  We thought of seeing a film after supper. (предложное дополнение)
  We went home without seeing the film. (обстоятельство)
  I’m glad to have the opportunity of seeing this film. (определение)

  Translate into Russian paying attention to the different functions of the Gerund

1. Forecasting weather with great accuracy is no easy matter. 2. Cooling may be
caused by radiation, by contact with cold surfaces, by mixing masses of air of
different temperatures. 3. The sole object of our expedition was exploring the floor of
the Pacific Ocean. 4. The most important thing in contemporary weather analysis is
studying the properties of individual, discrete masses of air and the changes resulting
when they meet. 5. The students insisted on being sent to the mine. 6. The students
were against being helped with their work. 7. Improved methods of observing
atmosphere are developed. 8. There are reasons for believing that the floor of the
Pacific is composed of basalt. 9. A seismograph is an instrument for recording
vibrations of the earth’s crust. 10. Nobody knew of their having returned from the
expedition. 11. By analysing satellite cloud photographs, meteorologist may even
estimate the maximum wind speed of different storms. 12. On leaving the Strait
Florida, the Gulf Stream is several hundred feet deep and about one hundred miles
wide. 13. When large ice masses reach the warmer lower altitudes they stop
advancing and begin to melt.
