Introduction to biology. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 12 стр.



- if he attends lectures on mathematics;
- when narrow specialization begins;
- what specialized courses he has;
- if he can choose a problem to work on according to his bents.
Ex. 10. Act out the following situations.
Work in pairs.
a) You meet a foreign student. Tell him about your studies at the University.
Work as a class.
b) A group of students have come to VSU on an exchange visit. They would like to
interview you about your life and studies at the University
Unit III
Step 1
Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:
kind ['kaind] classification [klæ sifi'keiʃən]
provide [prə 'vaid] estimate ['estimeit]
include [in'klu:d] clothing ['klə uðiŋ]
pierce [piə s] easy ['i:zi]
describe [dis'kraib]
Ex. 2. Translate the following words, paying attention to the affixes:
estimate (v), estimation (n); provide (v), providence (n), provident (adj); include (v),
exclude (v); describe (v), description (n); classify (v), classification (n); feed (v), food
Ex. 3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:
to live and grow
inside the body, to keep
track of animals, to learn about the living, a
system of classification, life depends on
Ex. 4. Put the verb "to be
" into a proper tense form.
1. There (be) many special fields of knowledge and many phases and principles to
which elementary training in general biology is essential. 2. There (be) plants which
-   if he attends lectures on mathematics;
-   when narrow specialization begins;
-   what specialized courses he has;
-   if he can choose a problem to work on according to his bents.

       Ex. 10. Act out the following situations.

    Work in pairs.
    a) You meet a foreign student. Tell him about your studies at the University.

    Work as a class.
    b) A group of students have come to VSU on an exchange visit. They would like to
       interview you about your life and studies at the University

                                        Unit III

                                          Step 1

       Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:

kind ['kaind]                                  classification [klæsifi'keiʃən]
provide [prə'vaid]                             estimate ['estimeit]
include [in'klu:d]                             clothing ['kləuðiŋ]
pierce [piəs]                                  easy ['i:zi]
describe [dis'kraib]

       Ex. 2. Translate the following words, paying attention to the affixes:

estimate (v), estimation (n); provide (v), providence (n), provident (adj); include (v),
exclude (v); describe (v), description (n); classify (v), classification (n); feed (v), food

       Ex. 3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:

to live and grow* inside the body, to keep * track of animals, to learn about the living, a
system of classification, life depends on…

       Ex. 4. Put the verb "to be*" into a proper tense form.

1. There (be) many special fields of knowledge and many phases and principles to
which elementary training in general biology is essential. 2. There (be) plants which