Introduction to biology. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 4 стр.



Unit I
Step I
Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:
science ['sа iə ns] discover [dis'kʌvə ]
scientific [sа iə n'tifik] control [kə n'troul]
biology [bа i'ɔlə dʒi] diversity [dai'və :siti]
biological [bа iə u'lɔdʒikə l] function ['fʌŋkʃən]
biologist [bа i'ɔlə dʒist] mankind [mæ n'kaind]
guide [gа id] knowledge ['nɔlidʒ]
contribution [kɔntri'bju:ʃən] healthy ['helƟ i]
increase [in'kri:s] method ['meƟəd]
increase ['inkri:s] vaccine ['væ ksi:n]
supply [sə 'plа i] penicillin [peni'silin]
variety [və 'rа iə ti] sulpha ['sʌlfə ]
disease [di'zi:z] blood [blʌd]
life [lа if] circulate ['sə :kjuleit]
lives (life pl.) [lа ivz] digest [di'dʒest]
Ex. 2. Translate the following words paying attention to the affixes.
a) Biology (n), biologist (n), biological (adj.); function (n), functional (adj.); live (v),
life (n), lives (n, pl), living (adj.), nonliving (adj.); health (n), healthy (adj.); inform (v),
information (n); solve (v), solution (n); science (n), scientific (adj.); develop (v),
development (n); variety (n), vary (v); discover (v), discovery (n); prevent (v),
prevention (n); produce (v), product (n), production (n); circle (n), circulate (v),
circulation (n).
b) Many nouns and verbs in English have the same form:
Function (n), function (v); affect (n), affect (v); study (n), study (v); increase (n),
increase (v); supply (n), supply (v); control (n), control (v).
Ex. 3. Match the word combinations in column A with their equivalents in
column B:
to study life in all its diversity a.
методы профилактики и лечения
2. the diversity of living things b. поддерживать здоровье
                                           Unit I
                                            Step I

      Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:
science ['sаiəns]                                  discover [dis'kʌvə]
scientific [sаiən'tifik]                           control [kən'troul]
biology [bаi'ɔlədʒi]                               diversity [dai'və:siti]
biological [bаiəu'lɔdʒikəl]                        function ['fʌŋkʃən]
biologist [bаi'ɔlədʒist]                           mankind [mæn'kaind]
guide [gаid]                                       knowledge ['nɔlidʒ]
contribution [kɔntri'bju:ʃən]                      healthy ['helƟi]
increase [in'kri:s]                                method ['meƟəd]
increase ['inkri:s]                                vaccine ['væksi:n]
supply [sə'plаi]                                   penicillin [peni'silin]
variety [və'rаiəti]                                sulpha ['sʌlfə]
disease [di'zi:z ]                                 blood [blʌd]
life [lаif]                                        circulate ['sə:kjuleit]
lives (life pl.) [lаivz]                           digest [di'dʒest]

      Ex. 2. Translate the following words paying attention to the affixes.

a) Biology (n), biologist (n), biological (adj.); function (n), functional (adj.); live (v),
life (n), lives (n, pl), living (adj.), nonliving (adj.); health (n), healthy (adj.); inform (v),
information (n); solve (v), solution (n); science (n), scientific (adj.); develop (v),
development (n); variety (n), vary (v); discover (v), discovery (n); prevent (v),
prevention (n); produce (v), product (n), production (n); circle (n), circulate (v),
circulation (n).

b) Many nouns and verbs in English have the same form:

 Function (n), function (v); affect (n), affect (v); study (n), study (v); increase (n),
increase (v); supply (n), supply (v); control (n), control (v).

     Ex. 3. Match the word combinations in column A with their equivalents in
column B:

                      A                                               B
1.                                                      методы профилактики и лечения
     to study life in all its diversity            a.
2.   the diversity of living things                b.   поддерживать здоровье