Introduction to biology. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 5 стр.



3. to give*
information c. переваривать пищу
food supply d.
оказывать воздействие на человече-
5. mysteries of life e. решение проблем
6. to affect mankind f. обнаружить причины заболеваний
7. knowledge of biology g. давать информацию
8. solution of problems h. пищевой запас
9. scientific methods of investigation i. циркуляция крови
varieties of plants and animals j. внести (большой ) вклад в (науку )
methods of prevention and cure of
k. тайны жизни
to digest food l.
изучать жизнь во всем ее многооб-
to discover the causes of diseases m.
разновидности растений и живот -
to make
a (great) contribution to
n. научные методы исследования
blood circulation o. разнообразие живых существ
to keep
healthy p. знание биологии
Ex. 4. State the tenses used in the following sentences.
1. I am studying biology. 2. Students of the biological faculty study different subjects. 3.
Biologists have solved many mysteries of the body. 4. They began* to investigate this
problem last year. 5. What branches of biology will you study in the third course? 6. He
has been working at this problem for a year and a half. 7. They were* discussing this
problem when we came. 8. She will be going to Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. After
they had* performed an experiment on the monkey they came to the conclusion that
they had* been* right in their assumption. 10. What branch of biology are* you going to
choose for your future specialization? 11. He never stopped to admire the beauties of
nature. He used to spend hours watching an insect moving on a stem, leaf or flower of a
plant. 12. Don't worry! He will have come by that time. 13. They had* been* working at
the laboratory for two years when the first results of the experiments appeared. 14. I am
sure they will have been working in the laboratory for hours to get the results they need.
Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper tense form.
1. Due to the discovery of the moss Sphagnum and the vaccine maid of it biologists
(save) millions of lives during World War II. 2. Louis Pasteur (discover) the causes of
such a disease as smallpox. 3. The discovery of viruses at the beginning of the 20
century (lead*) to a solution of many medical and biological problems. 4. With the
invention of the microscope biology (give*) scientists a lot of information about
All the irregular verbs will be marked in the exercises with the asterisk (*)
    3.    to give*1 information                                       c.   переваривать пищу
    4.                                                                     оказывать воздействие на человече-
          food supply                                                 d.
 5. mysteries of life                                                 e.   решение проблем
 6. to affect mankind                                                 f.   обнаружить причины заболеваний
 7. knowledge of biology                                              g.   давать информацию
 8. solution of problems                                              h.   пищевой запас
 9. scientific methods of investigation                               i.   циркуляция крови
10. varieties of plants and animals                                   j.   внести (большой) вклад в (науку)
    methods of prevention and cure of
11.                                                                   k.   тайны жизни
12.                                                                      изучать жизнь во всем ее многооб-
    to digest food                                                    l.
                                                                         разновидности растений и живот-
13. to discover the causes of diseases                                m.
    to make* a (great) contribution to
14.                                                                   n.   научные методы исследования
15. blood circulation                                                 o. разнообразие живых существ
16. to keep* healthy                                                  p. знание биологии

           Ex. 4. State the tenses used in the following sentences.

1. I am studying biology. 2. Students of the biological faculty study different subjects. 3.
Biologists have solved many mysteries of the body. 4. They began* to investigate this
problem last year. 5. What branches of biology will you study in the third course? 6. He
has been working at this problem for a year and a half. 7. They were* discussing this
problem when we came. 8. She will be going to Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. After
they had* performed an experiment on the monkey they came to the conclusion that
they had* been* right in their assumption. 10. What branch of biology are* you going to
choose for your future specialization? 11. He never stopped to admire the beauties of
nature. He used to spend hours watching an insect moving on a stem, leaf or flower of a
plant. 12. Don't worry! He will have come by that time. 13. They had* been* working at
the laboratory for two years when the first results of the experiments appeared. 14. I am
sure they will have been working in the laboratory for hours to get the results they need.

           Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper tense form.

1. Due to the discovery of the moss Sphagnum and the vaccine maid of it biologists
(save) millions of lives during World War II. 2. Louis Pasteur (discover) the causes of
such a disease as smallpox. 3. The discovery of viruses at the beginning of the 20th
century (lead*) to a solution of many medical and biological problems. 4. With the
invention of the microscope biology (give*) scientists a lot of information about

    All the irregular verbs will be marked in the exercises with the asterisk (*)