3. Now take a plant with a white flower.
4. Divide vertically its stem into parts. Be careful diving it.
5. Put one half of the stem in the glass with clear water and other half in the
glass with coloured water.
Work in groups of three. Act out the experiment according to the model.
Model: Student A: Fill two glasses with water.
Student B – What are you doing?
Student C – I'm filling two glasses with water.
Student B – What have you done?
Student C – I have filled two glasses with water.
1. What will happen after a few hours?
2. What does this experiment demonstrate?
3. What do biologists call the tissues conducting water and mineral substances
from roots to leaves and flowers of plants?
4. What other simple experiments can you remember which demonstrate the
response of plants to stimuli?
Ex. 13. Report the commands of ex. 12.
Model: Fill two glasses with water.
The teacher asked me to fill two glasses with water.
Ex. 14. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the Participle
Constructions with the verbs “ concern” and “ involve” which in this case mean
“данный , рассматриваемый , о котором идет речь, связанный (с тем , о чем
идет речь)” .
1. The mechanisms involved are worth investigation. 2. The nature of the
mutations involved is unknown. 3. The physiological processes cause
delimitation (= разграничение, размежевание) of cytoplasmic regions
involved. 4. The nature of the cells concerned has not been determined. 5. At the
stage of the cell development concerned different organs begin to take form.
Ex. 15. Read the text without consulting your dictionary. Suggest a
suitable title for it and give the main points of it.
Text B
30 3. Now take a plant with a white flower. 4. Divide vertically its stem into parts. Be careful diving it. 5. Put one half of the stem in the glass with clear water and other half in the glass with coloured water. B Work in groups of three. Act out the experiment according to the model. Model: Student A: Fill two glasses with water. Student B – What are you doing? Student C – I'm filling two glasses with water. Student B – What have you done? Student C – I have filled two glasses with water. C 1. What will happen after a few hours? 2. What does this experiment demonstrate? 3. What do biologists call the tissues conducting water and mineral substances from roots to leaves and flowers of plants? 4. What other simple experiments can you remember which demonstrate the response of plants to stimuli? Ex. 13. Report the commands of ex. 12. Model: Fill two glasses with water. The teacher asked me to fill two glasses with water. Ex. 14. Translate the sentences into English. Pay attention to the Participle Constructions with the verbs “concern” and “involve” which in this case mean “данный, рассматриваемый, о котором идет речь, связанный (с тем, о чем идет речь)”. 1. The mechanisms involved are worth investigation. 2. The nature of the mutations involved is unknown. 3. The physiological processes cause delimitation (= разграничение, размежевание) of cytoplasmic regions involved. 4. The nature of the cells concerned has not been determined. 5. At the stage of the cell development concerned different organs begin to take form. Ex. 15. Read the text without consulting your dictionary. Suggest a suitable title for it and give the main points of it. Text B
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