The cell. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 33 стр.



определенном соотношении (= взаимодействии). 5. Нервные клетки
образуются только в период эмбрионального развития.
Unit VI
Step 1
Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:
actually ['æ ktʃuzə li] hamster ['hæ mstə ]
amphibian [æ m'fibiə n] hedgehog ['heʤ (h)ə g]
calorie ['kæ lə ri] indispensable [indis'pensə bl]
calorific ['kæ lə rifik] marmot ['mα :mə t]
carbohydrate ['kα :bo(u)'haidr(e)it] potential [pə 'tenʃə l ]
derive [di'raiv] purpose ['pə :pə s]
dialectical [daiə 'lektikə l] quiescence [kwai'esns]
double ['dʌbl] reptile [reptail]
Ex. 2. Supply three forms of the following irregular verbs.
Lead, break, build, sleep, fall, derive.
Ex. 3. Using the suffixes given below form nouns from the following
a) ment to move, to develop, to require, to replace, to engage;
b) ance to appear, to enter, to perform, to acquaint, to resemble;
c) ence to differ;
d) tion to collect, to contract, to digest, to inhibit, to liberate, to
coordinate, to hibernate, to assimilate, to contribute, to construct;
e) ation to organize, to utilize, to observe, to specialize, to inform;
f) ition to compose, to decompose, to add, to vary;
to oxidize (oxid + a + tion);
to evolve (evol + u + tion);
to absorb (absor + p + tion), to adsorb, to consume.
Ex. 4. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and word
определенном соотношении (= взаимодействии). 5. Нервные клетки
образуются только в период эмбрионального развития.

                                       Unit VI
                                        Step 1
         Ex. 1. Practise the following for pronunciation:

     actually ['æktʃuzəli]                           hamster ['hæmstə]
     amphibian [æm'fibiən]                           hedgehog ['heʤ(h)əg]
     calorie ['kæləri]                               indispensable [indis'pensəbl]
     calorific ['kælərifik]                          marmot ['mα:mət]
     carbohydrate ['kα:bo(u)'haidr(e)it]             potential [pə'tenʃəl]
     derive [di'raiv]                                purpose ['pə:pəs]
     dialectical [daiə'lektikəl]                     quiescence [kwai'esns]
     double ['dʌbl]                                  reptile [reptail]

         Ex. 2. Supply three forms of the following irregular verbs.

Lead, break, build, sleep, fall, derive.

         Ex. 3. Using the suffixes given below form nouns from the following

    a) ment – to move, to develop, to require, to replace, to engage;
    b) ance – to appear, to enter, to perform, to acquaint, to resemble;
    c) ence – to differ;
    d) tion – to collect, to contract, to digest, to inhibit, to liberate, to
coordinate, to hibernate, to assimilate, to contribute, to construct;
    e) ation – to organize, to utilize, to observe, to specialize, to inform;
    f) ition – to compose, to decompose, to add, to vary;
                 – to oxidize (oxid + a + tion);
                 – to evolve (evol + u + tion);
                 – to absorb (absor + p + tion), to adsorb, to consume.

     Ex. 4. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and word