The cell. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 41 стр.



IC science, microscope, basis, problem
IC+AL chemistry, physiology
OUS nerve, vary, continue, mystery
FUL - colour, flower, fruit
AL - essence, principle, nature
TION - relate, coordinate, regulate, produce, organize, respire, digest,
assimilate, reproduce
Ex. 3. Translate into Russian the following sentences paying attention to
the meaning of the modal verbs.
1. All living things have certain activities without which they cannot exist. 2.
Even a short time without water and food shows us how necessary they are if we
are to keep alive. 3. The cell sap should not be regarded as living material. 4. An
ecologist must be careful in his use of the term "society". 5. All the nutritive
substances entering the cell have to pass through the membrane. 6. There is
usually a limit to the size a cell may attain.
Ex. 4. Form the Absolute Participle Construction using the pairs of
sentences given below.
Model: This piece of tissue is made up of long threads. Each is composed of
numerous small cylindrical bodies.
This piece of tissue is made up of long threads, each composed of
numerous small cylindrical bodies.
1. Many-celled bodies are made up of groups of cells. Each group has definite
functions. 2. The cell has reached a definite size. The process of division starts.
3. Cells are very sensitive to environmental influences. Temperature is one of
the main agents among them. 4. Protoplasm is regarded as the only truly alive
substance. Understanding of its structure and activities becomes very essential.
5. Many processes go on in the body of the plant. Many of them are directed and
controlled by protoplasm.
Ex. 5. Translate into English the sentences given below.
1. Клетка содержит три основные части: ядро , цитоплазму и клеточную
оболочку . 2. Клеточную мембрану можно увидеть только под электронным
микроскопом. 3. Клеточная мембрана имеет отверстия. 4. Клеточная обо -
лочка пронизана множеством маленьких отверстий . 5. Органическая пища
создается благодаря деятельности хлорофилла . 6. Первая стадия митоза из-
вестна как профаза . 7. Осмотическое давление в клетке любого организма
более или менее постоянно. Оно варьирует в пределах от 8 атмосфер у жи-
вотных до 60 атмосфер у растений .

IC – science, microscope, basis, problem
IC+AL – chemistry, physiology
OUS – nerve, vary, continue, mystery
FUL - colour, flower, fruit
AL - essence, principle, nature
TION - relate, coordinate, regulate, produce, organize, respire, digest,
assimilate, reproduce
      Ex. 3. Translate into Russian the following sentences paying attention to
the meaning of the modal verbs.

1. All living things have certain activities without which they cannot exist. 2.
Even a short time without water and food shows us how necessary they are if we
are to keep alive. 3. The cell sap should not be regarded as living material. 4. An
ecologist must be careful in his use of the term "society". 5. All the nutritive
substances entering the cell have to pass through the membrane. 6. There is
usually a limit to the size a cell may attain.

      Ex. 4. Form the Absolute Participle Construction using the pairs of
sentences given below.

Model: This piece of tissue is made up of long threads. Each is composed of
       numerous small cylindrical bodies.
       This piece of tissue is made up of long threads, each composed of
       numerous small cylindrical bodies.

1. Many-celled bodies are made up of groups of cells. Each group has definite
functions. 2. The cell has reached a definite size. The process of division starts.
3. Cells are very sensitive to environmental influences. Temperature is one of
the main agents among them. 4. Protoplasm is regarded as the only truly alive
substance. Understanding of its structure and activities becomes very essential.
5. Many processes go on in the body of the plant. Many of them are directed and
controlled by protoplasm.

      Ex. 5. Translate into English the sentences given below.

1. Клетка содержит три основные части: ядро, цитоплазму и клеточную
оболочку. 2. Клеточную мембрану можно увидеть только под электронным
микроскопом. 3. Клеточная мембрана имеет отверстия. 4. Клеточная обо-
лочка пронизана множеством маленьких отверстий. 5. Органическая пища
создается благодаря деятельности хлорофилла. 6. Первая стадия митоза из-
вестна как профаза. 7. Осмотическое давление в клетке любого организма
более или менее постоянно. Оно варьирует в пределах от 8 атмосфер у жи-
вотных до 60 атмосфер у растений.