The cell. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 9 стр.



Ex. 5. Bear in mind the plural of the following nouns:
nucleus - nuclei, fungus - fungi, stimulus - stimuli, metochondrion -
metochondria, alga - algae, leaf - leaves, half - halves.
Ex. 6. The suffix "ish" corresponds to the Russian suffixes "-оват", "-
еват". Form adjectives with this suffix from the words below:
Model: round roundish = slightly round
round, small, white, green, red, yellow, brown, blue, wide
Eх. 7. Give Russian equivalents for:
cell, (typical, animal, plant, embryonic, neighbouring) cell, cell (wall, body,
division, membrane, formation), (disintegrated) cell components, cellular,
unicellular, absence of cellular organisation, unicellular organisms; substance,
(fluid, protoplasmic, dissolved, nutritive, chemical, transparent, granular)
substance; change, (outer, physical, chemical, environmental) changes;
membrane,(plasma, vacuolar, osmotic, cytoplasmic, semi-permeable)
membrane; to direct, directing centre, direction, opposite direction; activity,
(protoplasmic, vital, mitotic, physiological) activity, ordinary activities of a
plant, to perform (activities, functions), to make one's activities possible.
Ex. 8. Translate the sentences given below into Russian.
1. There is no protoplasm in lifeless matter. 2. There may be more than one
nucleus in some cells. 3. In the chloroplast there is a number of small spherical
bodies which are called pyrenoids. 4. In addition to the plastids there are many
other bodies in the cytoplasm. 5. There are four phases in the process of cell
division. 6. There is an optimal temperature for human cell division: it is 37°C.
7. Then there comes the time when the process of cell division starts. 8. There
existed different points of view on this problem. 9. There is usually a limit to the
size a cell may attain.
Ex. 9. Translate the sentences below into English paying attention to the
functions of the words in bold type.
1. Протоплазма содержит очень большое количество воды. 2. Она имеет
обманчиво простой вид. 3. Протоплазма клетки не является однородной.
4. Ядро направляет и контролирует важные физиологические функции
клетки. 5. Ядро является главным среди структур клетки.
      Ex. 5. Bear in mind the plural of the following nouns:

     nucleus - nuclei, fungus - fungi, stimulus - stimuli, metochondrion -
metochondria, alga - algae, leaf - leaves, half - halves.

      Ex. 6. The suffix "ish" corresponds to the Russian suffixes "-оват", "-
еват". Form adjectives with this suffix from the words below:

      Model: round – roundish = slightly round

round, small, white, green, red, yellow, brown, blue, wide

      Eх. 7. Give Russian equivalents for:

cell, (typical, animal, plant, embryonic, neighbouring) cell, cell (wall, body,
division, membrane, formation), (disintegrated) cell components, cellular,
unicellular, absence of cellular organisation, unicellular organisms; substance,
(fluid, protoplasmic, dissolved, nutritive, chemical, transparent, granular)
substance; change, (outer, physical, chemical, environmental) changes;
membrane,(plasma, vacuolar, osmotic, cytoplasmic, semi-permeable)
membrane; to direct, directing centre, direction, opposite direction; activity,
(protoplasmic, vital, mitotic, physiological) activity, ordinary activities of a
plant, to perform (activities, functions), to make one's activities possible.

      Ex. 8. Translate the sentences given below into Russian.

1. There is no protoplasm in lifeless matter. 2. There may be more than one
nucleus in some cells. 3. In the chloroplast there is a number of small spherical
bodies which are called pyrenoids. 4. In addition to the plastids there are many
other bodies in the cytoplasm. 5. There are four phases in the process of cell
division. 6. There is an optimal temperature for human cell division: it is 37°C.
7. Then there comes the time when the process of cell division starts. 8. There
existed different points of view on this problem. 9. There is usually a limit to the
size a cell may attain.

      Ex. 9. Translate the sentences below into English paying attention to the
functions of the words in bold type.

1. Протоплазма содержит очень большое количество воды. 2. Она имеет
обманчиво простой вид. 3. Протоплазма клетки не является однородной.
4. Ядро направляет и контролирует важные физиологические функции
клетки. 5. Ядро является главным среди структур клетки.