The cell. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 8 стр.



Unit II
Step 1
Ex. 1. Guess the meaning of the following words:
membrane, cytoplasm, p1а smа , chloroplast, chlorophyll, chromoplast,
mitochondrion, vacuole, cellulose, reticulum, polysaccharide;
typical, anatomical, spherical, physiological, metabolic, organic, osmotic,
endoplasmic, opposite
product, centre, fruit, synthesis, transmission;
to specialise, to demonstrate, to expose, to associate, to communicate.
Ex. 2. Practise the following for pronunciation:
approximately [ə 'prɔksimitli] osmotic [ɔz'mɔtik]
artificially [α :ti'ƒiʃə li] permeate ['pə :mieit]
hereditary [hi'reditə ri] trait [treit]
homogeneous [hɔmə 'dʒ i:njə s] Ängström ['ɔɳstrə m]
endoplasma ['endə plæ zmə ] excretory [ekskr':tə ri]
neighbour [neibə] perforate ['pə :fə reit]
Ex. 3. Supply the three forms of the following verbs:
to go, to grow, to know, to learn, to take, to leave, to see, to lay, to become.
Ex. 4. Translate the words paying attention to the affixes.
to transmit (v), transmission (n); to develop (v), development (n); to organise
(v), organization (n), organ (n), organic (adj), inorganic (adj); to convert (v),
conversion (n); to permeate (v), permeability (n), permeable (adj), impermeable
(adj), semi-permeable (adj); to move (v), to remove (v), movement (n); to
specialize (v), speciality (n), special (adj), especially (adv); to enter (v), entrance
(n); to form (v), form (n), formation (n); to lay (v), layer (n); cell (n), cellular
(adj), intercellular (adj); type (n), typical (adj); environment (n), environmental
                                      Unit II

                                        Step 1

      Ex. 1. Guess the meaning of the following words:

membrane, cytoplasm, p1аsmа, chloroplast, chlorophyll, chromoplast,
mitochondrion, vacuole, cellulose, reticulum, polysaccharide;
typical, anatomical, spherical, physiological, metabolic, organic, osmotic,
endoplasmic, opposite
product, centre, fruit, synthesis, transmission;
to specialise, to demonstrate, to expose, to associate, to communicate.

      Ex. 2. Practise the following for pronunciation:

 approximately [ə'prɔksimitli]                    osmotic [ɔz'mɔtik]
 artificially [α:ti'ƒiʃəli]                       permeate ['pə:mieit]
 hereditary [hi'reditəri ]                        trait [treit]
 homogeneous [hɔmə'dʒi:njəs]                      Ängström ['ɔɳstrəm]
 endoplasma ['endəplæzmə]                         excretory [ekskr':təri]
 neighbour [neibə]                                perforate ['pə:fəreit]

      Ex. 3. Supply the three forms of the following verbs:

to go, to grow, to know, to learn, to take, to leave, to see, to lay, to become.

      Ex. 4. Translate the words paying attention to the affixes.

to transmit (v), transmission (n); to develop (v), development (n); to organise
(v), organization (n), organ (n), organic (adj), inorganic (adj); to convert (v),
conversion (n); to permeate (v), permeability (n), permeable (adj), impermeable
(adj), semi-permeable (adj); to move (v), to remove (v), movement (n); to
specialize (v), speciality (n), special (adj), especially (adv); to enter (v), entrance
(n); to form (v), form (n), formation (n); to lay (v), layer (n); cell (n), cellular
(adj), intercellular (adj); type (n), typical (adj); environment (n), environmental