Основы теории английского языка. Листунова Е.И. - 127 стр.



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Institute, Sofia. Russian. Six years of study in
secondary and high school.
Ancient Languages: Latin. Four years of study at Varna School
of Humanities. Ancient Greek. Two years of
study at Varna School of Humanities.
Ancient Bulgarian. Three years of study at
Varna School of Humanities.
Computer Word Processing; Word for Windows.
1997- International Foundation «St. Cyril and St.
Methodius» — Academic Club «Dr. Ilko
-I am an active partici pant in discussions
on economic problems; I demonstrate per-
sonal views, ideas and opinions. Project on
regulation and deregulation.
1982—1988 Sports Club «Spartac» Varna — artistic gym-
-I had a leading role since I won the first
prize in several local contests and was among
the few from the club, chosen to participate
at a national level.
Leadership Experience
1996—1997 University of National and World Econo
my, Sofia
-I am the leader of working group presen-
tations; I motivate my colleagues and take
the initiative for the accomplishment of
the tasks.
1985—1989 Secondary School «G. S. Rakovski», Varna,
-I was the class representative and was re
sponsible for organizing and coordinating
the out-of- class activities.
REFERENCES: Ginka Nikova-Togel, Ph.D., Assist. Profes
sor in Management, UNWE.
Petia Tanova, Ph.D., Associate Professor
in Economics, UNWE.
                        Institute, Sofia. Russian. Six years of study in
                        secondary and high school.
Ancient Languages:      Latin. Four years of study at Varna School
                        of Humanities. Ancient Greek. Two years of
                        study at Varna School of Humanities.
                        Ancient Bulgarian. Three years of study at
                        Varna School of Humanities.
Computer                Word Processing; Word for Windows.
1997-                  International Foundation «St. Cyril and St.
                       Methodius» — Academic Club «Dr. Ilko
                       -I am an active partici pant in discussions
                       on economic problems; I demonstrate per-
                       sonal views, ideas and opinions. Project on
                       regulation and deregulation.
1982—1988              Sports Club «Spartac» Varna — artistic gym-
                       -I had a leading role since I won the first
                       prize in several local contests and was among
                       the few from the club, chosen to partici pate
                       at a national level.
Leadershi p Experience
1996—1997              University of National and World Econo
                       my, Sofia
                       -I am the leader of working group presen-
                       tations; I motivate my colleagues and take
                       the initiative for the accomplishment of
                       the tasks.
1985—1989              Secondary School «G. S. Rakovski», Varna,
                       -I was the class representative and was re
                       sponsible for organizing and coordinating
                       the out-of- class activities.
REFERENCES:            Ginka Nikova-Togel, Ph.D., Assist. Profes
                       sor in Management, UNWE.
                       Petia Tanova, Ph.D., Associate Professor
                       in Economics, UNWE.

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