Ex.1. Glossary. Read and memorise the words and expressions:
Manufacturer, n. [mæ nju 'fæ kt∫ə r ə ] – промышленник, предприниматель ;
Fashionable, adj. ['fæ∫ə nə b ə l] – модный; светский ; фешенебельный
Turnover, n. ['tə:n 'əuvə] – оборот
Set out, phr. v. ['set 'aut] – предлагать ; излагать ; выставлять (на продажу)
TV commercial, n. [kə 'mə:∫ə l] – телевизионная реклама
Approach, n. [ə 'prəut∫] – подход
Advertising, n. ['æ dvətaızıŋ ] – реклама, рекламирование
Diversify, v. [daı 'və:sıfaı] – разнообразить ; вкладывать (капитал)
Ex.2. Give definitions to the following notions. Try to explain these economical
occurrences and give some examples from the text.
- sales promotion
- current income
- selective advertising
- discounts
- sales resistance
- drop in profit
Ex.3. Read and translate the text.
Murjani is a manufacturer of high-fashion or ‘designer’ jeans. These are sold under the
Gloria Vanderbilt label. The company’s biggest market is the United States. There,
Gloria Vanderbilt jeans are a household name. However, as recently as 1977, Murjani
was having little success selling jeans or any other merchandise in the US. Its turnover
was only $25 million.
At that time, the American head of the company, Mr. Warren Hirsch, had a clever
idea. He decided to change the image of the jeans, priced at $10 a pair. He set out to
make them status symbols, so that people wearing them would appear fashionable,
well-to-do and with good taste. For these qualities, they would pay $40 a pair.
To change the jeans’ image, Mr. Hirsch was able to persuade Gloria Vanderbilt – a
member of a rich and famous American family – to endorse the product. She let the
company put her name on the back pocket of the jeans. After that he arranged for her to
appear on television.
In television commercials, Miss Vanderbilt seemed to be promoting the jeans.
Actually, she was selling an image of wealth and elegance. Obviously, young people in
12 UNIT III GLORIA VANDERBILT JEANS Ex.1. Glossary. Read and memorise the words and expressions: Manufacturer, n. [mænju 'fækt∫ərə] – промышленник, предприниматель; производитель Fashionable, adj. ['fæ∫ənəbəl] – модный; светский; фешенебельный Turnover, n. ['tə:n 'əuvə] – оборот Set out, phr. v. ['set 'aut] – предлагать; излагать; выставлять (на продажу) TV commercial, n. [kə 'mə:∫əl] – телевизионная реклама Approach, n. [ə 'prəut∫] – подход Advertising, n. ['ædvətaızıŋ] – реклама, рекламирование Diversify, v. [daı 'və:sıfaı] – разнообразить; вкладывать (капитал) Ex.2. Give definitions to the following notions. Try to explain these economical occurrences and give some examples from the text. - sales promotion - current income - selective advertising - discounts - sales resistance - drop in profit Ex.3. Read and translate the text. Murjani is a manufacturer of high-fashion or ‘designer’ jeans. These are sold under the Gloria Vanderbilt label. The company’s biggest market is the United States. There, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans are a household name. However, as recently as 1977, Murjani was having little success selling jeans or any other merchandise in the US. Its turnover was only $25 million. At that time, the American head of the company, Mr. Warren Hirsch, had a clever idea. He decided to change the image of the jeans, priced at $10 a pair. He set out to make them status symbols, so that people wearing them would appear fashionable, well-to-do and with good taste. For these qualities, they would pay $40 a pair. To change the jeans’ image, Mr. Hirsch was able to persuade Gloria Vanderbilt – a member of a rich and famous American family – to endorse the product. She let the company put her name on the back pocket of the jeans. After that he arranged for her to appear on television. In television commercials, Miss Vanderbilt seemed to be promoting the jeans. Actually, she was selling an image of wealth and elegance. Obviously, young people in
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