Английский язык. Лобакина Е.В - 15 стр.


A Here are some methods of advertising goods or services: newspaper / magazine
/ poster advertisements / direct-mail advertising; endorsements by famous people;
demonstrations; trade exhibitions.
Which is the best means for advertising these products / services?
a) an expensive perfume
b) a new type of tennis racket
c) a new brand of orange
d) an expensive car (e. g. a Rolls-Royce or Cadillac)
e) the opening of a new restaurant
f) an office cleaning service.
B Describe an advertisement in your country which you particularly like. Are there any
advertisements you dislike? If so, why?
C Gemma Fashions have just launched their new jeans model. You are an advertising
promoter of this firm and your task is to make a text for the jeans advertisement.
- Give information about: the jeans brand
the qualities of jeans
- Try to persuade readers to go out immediately and buy the new fashion. Dont
forget about selective advertising.
- Choose your methods of advertising goods.
A Here are some methods of advertising goods or services: newspaper / magazine
/ poster advertisements / direct-mail advertising; endorsements by famous people;
demonstrations; trade exhibitions.
Which is the best means for advertising these products / services?
a)      an expensive perfume
b)      a new type of tennis racket
c)      a new brand of orange
d)      an expensive car (e. g. a Rolls-Royce or Cadillac)
e)      the opening of a new restaurant
f)      an office cleaning service.

B Describe an advertisement in your country which you particularly like. Are there any
advertisements you dislike? If so, why?

C Gemma Fashions have just launched their new jeans model. You are an advertising
promoter of this firm and your task is to make a text for the jeans advertisement.

    - Give information about: the jeans brand
               the qualities of jeans
-       Try to persuade readers to go out immediately and buy the new fashion. Don’t
forget about selective advertising.
-       Choose your methods of advertising goods.

                                      UNIT IV