Английский язык. Любинская Н.А - 22 стр.


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
1. implementation
2. sustain
3. establish
4. costly
5. growth
6. successful
7. reduce
8. extreme
9. access
10 formerly
11. develop
12. allocation
13. conducive
14. promote
15. inclusion
VI. Find in the text and give opposites for the following words:
1. failure 7. project
2. stagnation 8. discourage
3. health 9. deteriorate, make worse
4. cheap 10. increase
5. accelerate 11. wealth
6. start, set up, create 12. make smth difficult
VII. Answer the following questions.
1. When and where did Global Learning Conference take place?
2. What was its purpose?
3. Which countries have been successful in poverty reduction? Give their brief char-
4. What are the Millennium Development Goals?
5. Which factors are indispensable for reaching these goals?
6. Why did other countries lag behind?
7. Talk about the role of communication technologies on the way of progress.
VIII. Using your answers and the following expressions write a summary of the

               Verb             Noun                Adjective            Adverb
1.                         implementation
2.    sustain
3.    establish
4.                                              costly
5.                         growth
6.                                              successful
7.    reduce
8.                                              extreme
9.                         access
10                                                                  formerly
11.   develop
12.                        allocation
13.                                             conducive
14.   promote
15.                        inclusion

VI. Find in the text and give opposites for the following words:

1. failure                                  7. project
2. stagnation                               8. discourage
3. health                                   9. deteriorate, make worse
4. cheap                                    10. increase
5. accelerate                               11. wealth
6. start, set up, create                    12. make smth difficult


VII. Answer the following questions.

1. When and where did Global Learning Conference take place?
2. What was its purpose?
3. Which countries have been successful in poverty reduction? Give their brief char-
4. What are the Millennium Development Goals?
5. Which factors are indispensable for reaching these goals?
6. Why did other countries lag behind?
7. Talk about the role of communication technologies on the way of progress.

VIII. Using your answers and the following expressions write a summary of the