Английский язык. Любинская Н.А - 21 стр.


4. trigger D put in danger
5. empowerment E a standard used for evaluating qualities of people
or things
6. foster F destroy completely, put an end to smth
7. scale up G help the development, encourage or promote
8. roll back H make smth easy or easier
9. implementation I difference, inequality
10. jeopardize J start a sudden, often violent action or reaction
11. yardstick K disability to read or write
12. illiteracy L giving smb power or authority to act
13. sustain M exist in great numbers or quantities
14. eradicate N keep smth stable, constant, unchanging
IV. Fill in the correct word from the list into:
a) adjective noun collocations
sustainability approach poverty education
community growth trade inclusion
success standards circumstances prospects
policy projects practices opportunity
1. global________________ 9. encouraging________________
2. economic_____________ 10. isolated___________________
3. extreme______________ 11. successful_________________
4. universal_____________ 12. an unprecedented___________
5. significant____________ 13. social_____________________
6. their own_____________ 14. robust____________________
7. international___________ 15. environmental______________
8. living________________ 16. primary___________________
b) noun noun collocations
implementation aid poverty income
communication knowledge trade gender
development investment child
1. ______________mortality 7. _____________exchange
2. ______________factors 8. _____________technologies
3. ______________equality 9. _____________allocation
4. ______________climate 10. _____________aid
5. ______________barriers 11. _____________reduction
6. ______________policies 12. _____________disparities
V. Fill in the following table. Put dashes if there are no corresponding words.
4. trigger                        D put in danger
5. empowerment                    E a standard used for evaluating qualities of people
                                  or things
6. foster                         F destroy completely, put an end to smth
7. scale up                       G help the development, encourage or promote
8. roll back                      H make smth easy or easier
9. implementation                 I difference, inequality
10. jeopardize                    J start a sudden, often violent action or reaction
11. yardstick                     K disability to read or write
12. illiteracy                    L giving smb power or authority to act
13. sustain                       M exist in great numbers or quantities
14. eradicate                     N keep smth stable, constant, unchanging

IV. Fill in the correct word from the list into:
      a) adjective – noun collocations

      sustainability        approach               poverty          education
      community             growth                 trade            inclusion
      success               standards              circumstances    prospects
      policy                projects               practices        opportunity

1. global________________                    9. encouraging________________
2. economic_____________                     10. isolated___________________
3. extreme______________                     11. successful_________________
4. universal_____________                    12. an unprecedented___________
5. significant____________                   13. social_____________________
6. their own_____________                    14. robust____________________
7. international___________                  15. environmental______________
8. living________________                    16. primary___________________

      b) noun–noun collocations

      implementation        aid                     poverty         income
      communication         knowledge               trade           gender
      development           investment              child

 1. ______________mortality                  7. _____________exchange
 2. ______________factors                    8. _____________technologies
 3. ______________equality                   9. _____________allocation
 4. ______________climate                    10. _____________aid
 5. ______________barriers                   11. _____________reduction
 6. ______________policies                   12. _____________disparities

V. Fill in the following table. Put dashes if there are no corresponding words.