Английский язык. Мачнева В.В - 24 стр.


This questioning is deliberate however, and it may be designed to prepare a client for
intensive cross-examination
at a court trial. The informed business client does not take
offense at such questioning and recognizes that when the time for advocacy occurs, the
lawyer will exert
his or her skills toward defending the client.
(5) The client should not take a passive role but should be actively engaged in
assisting the lawyer's search for solutions
. The business client needs to clearly inform
the lawyer of the business purpose so that the lawyer will seek solutions compatible
that purpose. Finally, the client should expect high-quality service from counsel and
should communicate that expectation. After all, the client in paying the bill.
(6) The law encourages clients to fully communicate with their counsel by
protecting such communication from disclosure
to a third person. The attorney client
privilege gives the client the right to conceal matters relating to his or her counsel's
advice. The canons
of ethics do not permit an attorney to disclose communications
regarding legal advice to the client. The client may, however, waive
the privilege and
the attorney to make disclosure. The privilege only applies to confidential
communications. Communications made to an attorney in the presence of third parties
other than the client's agents or employees are not privileged.
5.3.1 Vocabulary notes
(1) selecting a lawyer
antitrust law
tax law
corporate client
general practitioner
corporate counsel
подбор юриста
антитрестовское законодательство
налоговое законодательство
корпоративный клиент
осуществимый, выполнимый
амер.разг.: вывеска
восприятие, понимание
юрист общей практики
юрисконсульт корпорации
давать инструкции адвокату, составлять краткое
изложение; краткое письменное изложение дела
(2) in-house lawyer
штатный юрисконсульт
в результате, тем самым
опасность, ловушка, западня
на месте
(3) solicit предлагать свои услуги клиенту, ходатайствовать
This questioning is deliberate however, and it may be designed to prepare a client for
intensive cross-examination at a court trial. The informed business client does not take
offense at such questioning and recognizes that when the time for advocacy occurs, the
lawyer will exert his or her skills toward defending the client.
      (5) The client should not take a passive role but should be actively engaged in
assisting the lawyer's search for solutions. The business client needs to clearly inform
the lawyer of the business purpose so that the lawyer will seek solutions compatible with
that purpose. Finally, the client should expect high-quality service from counsel and
should communicate that expectation. After all, the client in paying the bill.
      (6) The law encourages clients to fully communicate with their counsel by
protecting such communication from disclosure to a third person. The attorney client
privilege gives the client the right to conceal matters relating to his or her counsel's
advice. The canons of ethics do not permit an attorney to disclose communications
regarding legal advice to the client. The client may, however, waive the privilege and
authorize the attorney to make disclosure. The privilege only applies to confidential
communications. Communications made to an attorney in the presence of third parties
other than the client's agents or employees are not privileged.

      5.3.1 Vocabulary notes

(1) selecting a lawyer      подбор юриста
    substantive             существенный
    antitrust law           антитрестовское законодательство
    tax law                 налоговое законодательство
    corporate client        корпоративный клиент
    feasible                осуществимый, выполнимый
    shingle                 амер.разг.: вывеска
    perception              восприятие, понимание
    generalist              универсал
    general practitioner    юрист общей практики
    corporate counsel       юрисконсульт корпорации
    brief                   давать инструкции адвокату, составлять краткое
                            изложение; краткое письменное изложение дела
    briefing                инструктаж
(2) in-house lawyer         штатный юрисконсульт
    hence                   в результате, тем самым
    identify                определить
    pitfall                 опасность, ловушка, западня
    render                  предоставлять
    on-the-spot             на месте
(3) solicit                 предлагать свои услуги клиенту, ходатайствовать