Английский язык. Мачнева В.В - 26 стр.


3. к кому из специалистов обратиться
4. большинство повседневных проблем, встающих перед фирмой (the
Attributive Clause)
5. порекомендовать клиенту специалиста
(3) 6. лучше, чтобы проект контракта составил юрист ("to have somebody do
7. Это не считается подыскиванием клиентов (the Passive).
(4) 8. Важно, чтобы клиент полностью раскрыл факты (the Subjunctive).
9. вопросы юриста при получении информации от клиента (Participle I the
conjunction "when")
10. Информированный клиент не обижается (the definite article).
11. приложит все усилия и умения, чтобы защитить клиента (the preposition
(5) 12. четко проинформировать юриста о целях фирмы (the adverb)
(6) 13. Привилегия в отношениях между поверенным и клиентом дает право
клиенту скрывать советы своего поверенного (the possessive pronoun).
5.4.2 Read the text again and answer the following questions:
(1) 1 What are some areas of the law in which lawyers usually specialize?
2 Do the lawyers usually "hang specialty shingles"?
3 What are advantages of selecting a generalist as corporate counsel?
4 What relationship can there be between the general practitioner and a specialist
invited when a special problem arise?
(2) 5 What are the advantages of hiring an in-house lawyer?
6 What lawyer can quickly identify legal pitfalls and give on-the-spot advice?
(3) 7 Do you think the opinion that "a lawyer is not permitted to solicit clients by
direct contact" is true today?
8 If a person needs a lawyer's service, who must take the initiative?
9 Why is a contract drafted by the client himself usually poorly drafted?
(4) 10 Why should the client, in his or her relations with the attorney, make a full
disclosure of the facts relevant to the problem?
11 Why may the attorney's questioning, when seeking information from the client,
sometimes seem accusatory?
12 Why doesn't the informed business client take offense at accusatory
(5) 13 What is the attorney - client privilege?
14 What do the canons of ethics not permit an attorney to disclose?
      3. к кому из специалистов обратиться
      4. большинство повседневных проблем, встающих перед фирмой (the
          Attributive Clause)
      5. порекомендовать клиенту специалиста
(3)   6. лучше, чтобы проект контракта составил юрист ("to have somebody do
      7. Это не считается подыскиванием клиентов (the Passive).
(4)   8. Важно, чтобы клиент полностью раскрыл факты (the Subjunctive).
      9. вопросы юриста при получении информации от клиента (Participle I the
          conjunction "when")
      10. Информированный клиент не обижается (the definite article).
      11. приложит все усилия и умения, чтобы защитить клиента (the preposition
(5)   12. четко проинформировать юриста о целях фирмы (the adverb)
(6)   13. Привилегия в отношениях между поверенным и клиентом дает право
          клиенту скрывать советы своего поверенного (the possessive pronoun).

       5.4.2 Read the text again and answer the following questions:

(1) 1 What are some areas of the law in which lawyers usually specialize?
    2 Do the lawyers usually "hang specialty shingles"?
    3 What are advantages of selecting a generalist as corporate counsel?
    4 What relationship can there be between the general practitioner and a specialist
    invited when a special problem arise?
(2) 5 What are the advantages of hiring an in-house lawyer?
    6 What lawyer can quickly identify legal pitfalls and give on-the-spot advice?
(3) 7 Do you think the opinion that "a lawyer is not permitted to solicit clients by
    direct contact" is true today?
    8 If a person needs a lawyer's service, who must take the initiative?
    9 Why is a contract drafted by the client himself usually poorly drafted?
(4) 10 Why should the client, in his or her relations with the attorney, make a full
    disclosure of the facts relevant to the problem?
    11 Why may the attorney's questioning, when seeking information from the client,
    sometimes seem accusatory?
    12 Why doesn't the informed business client take offense at accusatory
(5) 13 What is the attorney - client privilege?
    14 What do the canons of ethics not permit an attorney to disclose?