Неличные формы глаголов. Мачнева В.В - 47 стр.


3.2.5 Вставьте not + причастие или without + герундий.
_____ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room (to find).
I won`t go abroad _____ you (to see).
_____ what to say, I remained silent (to know).
We walked _____ for a short while (to speak).
Would she have gone away ____ you if she loved you? (to see).
They sat there ____ for several minutes (to talk).
On the street he would look directly at his friends ____ them (to see).
He sat down, ____ his mackintosh (to take off).
He stopped ____ how to continue the conversation (to know).
She stood for a moment ____ whether to be pleased or not by this familiarity (to
     3.2.5 Вставьте not + причастие или without + герундий.

      _____ what he wanted, he looked slowly about the room (to find).
     I won`t go abroad _____ you (to see).
     _____ what to say, I remained silent (to know).
     We walked _____ for a short while (to speak).
     Would she have gone away ____ you if she loved you? (to see).
     They sat there ____ for several minutes (to talk).
     On the street he would look directly at his friends ____ them (to see).
     He sat down, ____ his mackintosh (to take off).
     He stopped ____ how to continue the conversation (to know).
     She stood for a moment ____ whether to be pleased or not by this familiarity (to