3. Если положительная степень прилагательного оканчивается на букву у после согласного звука,
то в сравнительной и превосходной степени у переходит в i перед суффиксами -еr и -est: early – earlier –
earliest. После гласного звука у не меняется: gray – grayer – grayest.
Многосложные прилагательные и двусложные прилагательные (кроме тех, которые оканчиваются
на -1е, -у, -еr, -ow, образуют сравнительную степень добавлением слова more (перед прилагательным) и
превосходную степень – слова most.
Превосходная сте-
interesting more interesting most interesting
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
difficult more difficult most difficult
Небольшое число прилагательных образует степени сравнения от другого корня (по исключениям):
good – better – best
хороший – лучше – самый хороший;
bad – worse – worst
плохой – хуже – самый плохой;
many, much – more – most
много – больше – самый большой;
little, few – less – least
мало – меньше – самый маленький.
Существительное, определяемое прилагательным в превосходной степени, всегда употребляется с
определенным артиклем the.
Grammar Exercises:
Look through the text again and find out whether there are sentences illustrating the above mentioned
grammatical phenomena.
Use the required form of the adjective.
1. He was the (amusing) lad you ever met.
2. He is a far (intelligent) person than my brother.
3. She was the (practical) of the family.
4. When they told me I was cured and could go, I can tell you I was (afraid) than glad.
5. I wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) films if you saw them.
6. He is (talkative) than his sister. He will not tire you so much.
7. He turned out to be (angry) than I had expected.
8. Today I am no (wise) than yesterday.
9. This wine is the (good) I ever tasted.
10. Jack is the (clever) of the tree brothers.
11. I do not think it matters in the (little) which seat I choose.
12. He felt (bad) yesterday than the day before.
13. The (near) house is three miles away.
14. Of the two evils, let us choose the (little).
15. He was the (late) man to come.
16. She waited until her silence became the (noticeable) thing in the room.
17. The (near) item on the program is a piano sonata.
18. He is the (tall) of the two.
19. She is (amusing) in a small company.
20. Uncle Nick was the (old) son of the family.
Translate the following into English using various sentence patterns to express comparison.
- « первая
- ‹ предыдущая
- …
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- 17
- …
- следующая ›
- последняя »