Ecology today (Экология сегодня). Макеева М.Н - 91 стр.


The creation of microgravity systems, which would be developed for long-term piloted missions to Mars
and other places, would provide the gravitational effects needed for healthy plant growth.
Today, industries and scientists are being allowed to explore and study plant growth and long-term plant
production on board the $60 billion International Space Station, which launched last May. NASA's Astroculture
Commercial project is providing myriad platforms for such study, which will also have a huge impact on Earth-
based agriculture. In one instance involving microgravity, researchers will be studying and expecting to develop
custom crops that withstand hostile conditions, resist diseases and require less space in which to grow. Accord-
ing to NASA scientists, the microgravity provides a highly efficient environment for using bacteria to transfer
desirable genes such as those that increase a plant's immunity to disease and pestilence.
Simply put, if we can sustain food production in space, then we can sustain human life anywhere in the
universe. Plants, like all living things, depend on nourishment and the right living conditions in order to grow.
And with a burgeoning population on Earth, astroculture benefits will help us better provide food, sustenance
and the required healthy ecosystems essential to promoting public health.
Grammar Reference:
Функции глагола to be в предложении
Смысловой глагол Глагол-связка Модальный глагол
1. В сочетании с су-
ществительным и
We are at the lesson. –
Мы на уроке.
Не was at the Institute
in the morning. – Ут-
ром он был в институ-
2. В обороте there + to
There is a letter for you
at the table. На столе
есть письмо для Вас.
В сочетании с су-
или числительным,
а также в сочета-
нии с инфинити-
вом или герундием
(если подлежащее
выражено абст-
рактным сущест-
вительным) в со-
ставе именного со-
ставного сказуемо-
She is a student.
Она студентка.
Our task is to learn
to speak English. –
Наша задача со-
стоит в том, чтобы
научиться гово-
рить по-английски.
В сочетании с инфи-
нитивом, если подле-
жащее выражает лицо
или предмет:
They are to come soon.
Они должны скоро
They were to finish this
work yesterday. Они
должны были закон-
чить эту работу вче-
В сочетании с
Participle I для об-
разования времени
Continuous или
Participle II для об-
разования Passive
He is reading a let-
ter. Он читает
The letter was writ-
ten yesterday.
Письмо было напи-
сано вчера.