Косвенная речь в английском языке: Сборник тренировочных упражнений по практической грамматике. Малетина Д.Ю - 5 стр.


Direct Speech Reported Speech
Frank: Has it stopped raining,
yet? Polly: Yes.
Frank asked Polly if it had
stopped raining and she said it
Mary: Does John ever come to
see you? Bob: Never.
Mary asked Bob if John ever
came to see him and Bob said he
did not.
Bob: Are you very tired, Mary?
Mary: No.
Bob asked Mary if she was tired
and Mary answered she wasn't.
Reporting elliptical sentences
If some parts of the sentence are missing, they should be re-
stored according to the situation in the reported speech.
Direct Speech Reported Speech
Mrs. Armstrong: I say, Peter. Do
know the latest sensation? The
are applying for a divorce.
Mr. Armstrong: Sounds incredi-
ble. They
seemed so attached to each other.
Mrs. Armstrong: Never expected
it myself.
Mrs. Armstrong told her hus-
band sensational news. She
said the Browns were applying
for a divorce.
Mr. Armstrong was very much
surprised and said it sounded
incredible, for the Browns had
seemed very attached to each
His wife said she had never
expected it herself.
Nick: Feeling out of sorts?
Michael: Rather.
Nick: Private trouble?
Michael: Yes, the children are
getting unmanageable.
Nick asked Michael why he
was feeling out of sorts.
Michael said it was because of
the children. They were getting
An order or a request in reported speech is expressed by an in-
finitive; in a negative sentence the particle to precedes the infinitive.
Orders and requests are introduced into reported speech with
the help of one of the following verbs: to tell, to order, to command,
to ask, to request, to beg and others. The choice of the verb is deter-
mined by the character of the order (request).
The verb most commonly used to introduce reported orders
is the verb to tell: the verb to order is frequently used, occasionally
also the verb to command. The verb to tell corresponds to the Russian
сказать, чтобы and велеть; to order and to command correspond to
The verb to request is used in official style, chiefly in the
Passive Voice. It is best rendered in Russian by предложить. The
verb to request introduces rather a veiled order than a request.
Unemotional requests are usually introduced by the verb to
The verb to beg introduces a request somewhat more emo-
Emotional (emphatic) requests are introduced by the verbs
to implore, to entreat, to beseech (умолять).
The verb to urge introduces a request made with great insis-
Direct Speech Reported Speech
The doctor said to the patient,
“Keep the bed for some days.”
The doctor told the patient to
keep the bed for some days.
Peter said to Mary, “Would you
mind ringing me up at nine?”
Peter asked Mary to ring him up
at nine.
The lieutenant said to the soldiers,
“Get ready for the march.”
The lieutenant ordered (com-
manded) his men to get ready for
the march.
The teacher said to the pupils,
“Don't talk.”
The teacher told his pupils not to
         Direct Speech                        Reported Speech                     3. REPORTED ORDERS AND REQUESTS
                                     Frank asked Polly if it had              An order or a request in reported speech is expressed by an in-
Frank: Has it stopped raining,
                                     stopped raining and she said it   finitive; in a negative sentence the particle to precedes the infinitive.
yet? Polly: Yes.
                                     Mary asked Bob if John ever               Orders and requests are introduced into reported speech with
Mary: Does John ever come to
                                     came to see him and Bob said he   the help of one of the following verbs: to tell, to order, to command,
see you? Bob: Never.
                                     did not.                          to ask, to request, to beg and others. The choice of the verb is deter-
Bob: Are you very tired, Mary?       Bob asked Mary if she was tired   mined by the character of the order (request).
Mary: No.                            and Mary answered she wasn't.            ♦ The verb most commonly used to introduce reported orders
                                                                       is the verb to tell: the verb to order is frequently used, occasionally
                                                                       also the verb to command. The verb to tell corresponds to the Russian
                   Reporting elliptical sentences                      сказать, чтобы and велеть; to order and to command correspond to
       If some parts of the sentence are missing, they should be re-   приказать.
stored according to the situation in the reported speech.                     ♦ The verb to request is used in official style, chiefly in the
                                                                       Passive Voice. It is best rendered in Russian by предложить. The
           Direct Speech               Reported Speech                 verb to request introduces rather a veiled order than a request.
                                Mrs. Armstrong told her hus-
 Mrs. Armstrong: I say, Peter. Do                                             ♦ Unemotional requests are usually introduced by the verb to
 you                            band sensational news. She             ask.
 know the latest sensation? The said the Browns were applying                 ♦ The verb to beg introduces a request somewhat more emo-
 Browns                         for a divorce.                         tional.
 are applying for a divorce.    Mr. Armstrong was very much                   ♦ Emotional (emphatic) requests are introduced by the verbs
 Mr. Armstrong: Sounds incredi- surprised and said it sounded          to implore, to entreat, to beseech (умолять).
 ble. They                      incredible, for the Browns had                ♦ The verb to urge introduces a request made with great insis-
                                seemed very attached to each
 seemed so attached to each other.                                     tence.
 Mrs. Armstrong: Never expected His wife said she had never                      Direct Speech                         Reported Speech
 it myself.                     expected it herself.                   The doctor said to the patient,        The doctor told the patient to
 Nick: Feeling out of sorts?    Nick asked Michael why he              “Keep the bed for some days.”          keep the bed for some days.
 Michael: Rather.               was feeling out of sorts.              Peter said to Mary, “Would you         Peter asked Mary to ring him up
 Nick: Private trouble?         Michael said it was because of         mind ringing me up at nine?”           at nine.
 Michael: Yes, the children are the children. They were getting        The lieutenant said to the soldiers,   The lieutenant ordered (com-
 getting unmanageable.          unmanageable.                          “Get ready for the march.”             manded) his men to get ready for
                                                                                                              the march.
                                                                       The teacher said to the pupils,        The teacher told his pupils not to
                                                                       “Don't talk.”                          talk.

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