Engineering MOSAIC. Мантатова С.С - 19 стр.


Are you a reliable driver?
Before you start
1. Answer the following questions:
1. Can you drive a car?
2. Why is it important to be attentive while driving a car?
Are You a Reliable Driver?
Our astrologer suggests the following test:
I. When driving in the fog do you listen to music over the radio?
1. yes — c
2. no — b
3. I think about my work — a
4. I don't listen to anything — d
II. Do you sometimes slow down when there is a beautiful girl on the
1. no (never) — b
2. sometimes to look at her — с
III. Do you try to overtake cars in front of you?
1. yes — d
2. no (never) — b
3. sometimes — с
IV. Do you talk while driving?
1. yes — c
2. no — a
3. well, sometimes — b
V. Dear Lady Driver, do you sometimes use the driving mirror to see
if your make-up is all right?
1. yes — c
2. no — a
VI. When you are hungry or thirsty can you still drive well?
1. yes — a
2. no — с
VII. Do you consult the weather forecast before starting for a long
1. yes — b
2. sometimes — a
3. never — d
VIII. Which is easier for you: to drive in a city or along a motorway?
1. Along a motorway — c
2. in a city — a
3. it makes no difference — b
IX. What do you do if you have a flat tyre?
1. I repair it myself — b
2. I leave the car where it is — d
3. I stop another car and ask for help — c
X. Do you stop to help a driver who has had an accident on the road?
1. never — d
2. always — a
3. if it is a woman driver — с
a — 3 points; b — 4 points; с — 1 point; d — 0 point,
I. 10 — 18 points. You are not a reliable driver yet. Look
through the traffic rules. Try to be more careful and considerate about
II. 18 — 26 points. You need perfection. Live and learn and
you'll be a perfect one.
III. 26 — 30 points (or over). You are a reliable driver. You
may share your experience with others.
Writing and Speaking
2. Look through the following traffic rules with your partner. What
rules can you add to the list? Compare your list with that of your
a) Drive only at green light of the traffic lights.
b) Be attentive crossing the railroad.
c) Switch on antidazzle light when meeting a car on the centre strip at
3. Do you think if the traffic rules abroad are different from those in
your country?
Signs of zodiac: a=Libra, b=Taurus, c=Aries, d=Leo, e=Cancer,
f=Scorpio, g=Pisces, h=Gemini, i=Sagittarius, j=Virgo, k=Capricorn,
UNIT XIV                                                                     2. sometimes — a
Are you a reliable driver?                                                   3. never — d
Before you start                                                       VIII. Which is easier for you: to drive in a city or along a motorway?
1. Answer the following questions:                                           1. Along a motorway — c
1. Can you drive a car?                                                      2. in a city — a
2. Why is it important to be attentive while driving a car?                  3. it makes no difference — b
Reading                                                                IX. What do you do if you have a flat tyre?
                        Are You a Reliable Driver?                           1. I repair it myself — b
      Our astrologer suggests the following test:                            2. I leave the car where it is — d
I. When driving in the fog do you listen to music over the radio?            3. I stop another car and ask for help — c
      1. yes — c                                                       X. Do you stop to help a driver who has had an accident on the road?
      2. no — b                                                              1. never — d
      3. I think about my work — a                                           2. always — a
      4. I don't listen to anything — d                                      3. if it is a woman driver — с
II. Do you sometimes slow down when there is a beautiful girl on the   a — 3 points; b — 4 points; с — 1 point; d — 0 point,
road?                                                                        I. 10 — 18 points. You are not a reliable driver yet. Look
      1. no (never) — b                                                through the traffic rules. Try to be more careful and considerate about
      2. sometimes to look at her — с                                  people.
III. Do you try to overtake cars in front of you?                            II. 18 — 26 points. You need perfection. Live and learn and
      1. yes — d                                                       you'll be a perfect one.
      2. no (never) — b                                                      III. 26 — 30 points (or over). You are a reliable driver. You
      3. sometimes — с                                                 may share your experience with others.
IV. Do you talk while driving?                                         Writing and Speaking
      1. yes — c                                                       2. Look through the following traffic rules with your partner. What
      2. no — a                                                        rules can you add to the list? Compare your list with that of your
      3. well, sometimes — b                                           partner.
V. Dear Lady Driver, do you sometimes use the driving mirror to see    a) Drive only at green light of the traffic lights.
if your make-up is all right?                                          b) Be attentive crossing the railroad.
      1. yes — c                                                       c) Switch on antidazzle light when meeting a car on the centre strip at
      2. no — a                                                        night.
VI. When you are hungry or thirsty can you still drive well?           3. Do you think if the traffic rules abroad are different from those in
      1. yes — a                                                       your country?
      2. no — с
VII. Do you consult the weather forecast before starting for a long    Signs of zodiac: a=Libra, b=Taurus, c=Aries, d=Leo, e=Cancer,
trip?                                                                  f=Scorpio, g=Pisces, h=Gemini, i=Sagittarius, j=Virgo, k=Capricorn,
      1. yes — b                                                       l=Aquarius.