Инфинитивные конструкции: Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку. Марченко О.В. - 14 стр.



Óïð. 10. Ïðî÷èòàòü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Îáúÿñíèòü îòñóòñòâèå
÷àñòèöû to â ñîñòàâå ñëîæíîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ. Ïåðåâåñòè ïðåäëîæåíèÿ
íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
M o d e l: Is he a good actor? (see) — I think he is. I saw him act
in «Hamlet» and I liked him immensely.
1. Is she a good singer? (hear) — I think she is. I heard her sing
on the radio last Sunday.
2. Is he a good dancer? (see) — I think he is. I see him dance at
our party.
3. Is he a good swimmer? (watch) — I think he is. We watched
him swim across the lake last summer.
4. Is he a good speaker? (hear) — I think he is. I heard him speak
at our meeting a fortnight ago.
5. I s Helen a good story-teller? (watch) — I think she is. We
watched her tell her sons fairy-tales. Her children were listening to
her open-mouthed.
6. Is he a good skater? (see) — I think he is. I saw him skate at
our stadium.
7. Are they good football-players? (watch) — I think they are.
We watched them play last Friday. They were brilliant.
Óïð. 11. Ïåðåâåñòè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê. Ïîä÷åðêíóòü êîíñòðóê-
öèþ “ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå”. Îáúÿñíèòü îòñóòñòâèå ÷àñòèöû to.
M o d e l: What did you watch the children do? (play) —
I watched them play on the sand-beach.
1. What did you watch Pete do? (dive) — I watched him dive in
to the pool.
2. What did you like to watch Mother make? (make cakes) —
I liked to watch Mother make cakes.
3. What did you like to watch Susan do? (play tennis) — I liked
to watch Susan play tennis.
4. What did they like to watch the monkey do? (do her tricks)
— They liked to watch the monkey do her tricks.
5. What did the boy like to watch his father do? (make wooden
toys) — The boy liked to watch his father make wooden toys.
6. What did Henry watch the man do? (whitewash) — Henry
watched the man whitewash his house.
7. What did they watch the shop-assistant do? (weigh) — They
watched the shop-assistant weigh the sugar.
     Óïð. 10. Ïðî÷èòàòü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Îáúÿñíèòü îòñóòñòâèå
÷àñòèöû to â ñîñòàâå ñëîæíîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ. Ïåðåâåñòè ïðåäëîæåíèÿ
íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
     M o d e l: Is he a good actor? (see) — I think he is. I saw him act
     in «Hamlet» and I liked him immensely.
     1. Is she a good singer? (hear) — I think she is. I heard her sing
on the radio last Sunday.
     2. Is he a good dancer? (see) — I think he is. I see him dance at
our party.
     3. Is he a good swimmer? (watch) — I think he is. We watched
him swim across the lake last summer.
     4. Is he a good speaker? (hear) — I think he is. I heard him speak
at our meeting a fortnight ago.
     5. I s Helen a good story-teller? (watch) — I think she is. We
watched her tell her sons fairy-tales. Her children were listening to
her open-mouthed.
     6. Is he a good skater? (see) — I think he is. I saw him skate at
our stadium.
     7. Are they good football-players? (watch) — I think they are.
We watched them play last Friday. They were brilliant.

      Óïð. 11. Ïåðåâåñòè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê. Ïîä÷åðêíóòü êîíñòðóê-
öèþ “ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå”. Îáúÿñíèòü îòñóòñòâèå ÷àñòèöû to.
      M o d e l: What did you watch the children do? (play) —
      I watched them play on the sand-beach.
      1. What did you watch Pete do? (dive) — I watched him dive in
to the pool.
      2. What did you like to watch Mother make? (make cakes) —
I liked to watch Mother make cakes.
      3. What did you like to watch Susan do? (play tennis) — I liked
to watch Susan play tennis.
      4. What did they like to watch the monkey do? (do her tricks)
— They liked to watch the monkey do her tricks.
      5. What did the boy like to watch his father do? (make wooden
toys) — The boy liked to watch his father make wooden toys.
      6. What did Henry watch the man do? (whitewash) — Henry
watched the man whitewash his house.
      7. What did they watch the shop-assistant do? (weigh) — They
watched the shop-assistant weigh the sugar.
