5. о п р е д е л е н и е (обычно с предлогами of и for):
There is a risk of catching cold.
Существует (есть) риск простудиться.
She has a legitimate reason for being absent from school.
У нее есть законное основание пропустить занятия в
временные различия герундия
Как сообщалось выше, герундий имеет формы времени и залога.
Время, выраженное герундием, не абсолютное, а относительное.
Ге р у н д и й в ф о р м е I n d ef i n it e (Ac t ive a n d Pa s si ve) выра-
жает действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом в
личной форме, и может относиться к настоящему, прошедшему и бу-
The time for thinking is past, we must act at once.
Время раздумий позади, мы должны действовать немед-
The new way of getting money seemed so easy.
Новый способ раздобыть деньги казался таким простым.
Ге ру н д и й в ф о р ме Pe r fe c t (Ac t ive a nd Pa s s ive) показывает
действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом в лич-
ной форме.
Jane insists on having seen her father there.
Джейн настаивает на том, что видела там своего отца.
His having made this experiment is a known fact.
To, что он провел этот эксперимент, является известным
nance crumbled* or reinvented themselves as commercial banks. The na-
tion’s largest insurance company and largest savings and loan were seized
by the government. Only the passage by Congress of a $700 billion bailout
plan in October 2008 and actions by the Federal Reserve to pump money
into the system headed off a full-scale meltdown.
But while nancial Armageddon was avoided, the crisis spread around
the globe, toppling* banks across Europe and driving countries from Ice-
land to Pakistan to seek emergency aid from the International Monetary
Fund. A vicious circle* of tightening credit, reduced demand and rapid job
cuts took hold, and the world fell into recession*.
In 2009, a number of countries moved to stimulate their economies. In
the United States, Democrats in Congress passed a $787 billion economic
stimulus measure requested by President Obama. China undertook a stimu-
lus plan described as roughly $500 billion. The Obama administration forced
General Motors and Chrysler into bankruptcy to save them, investing more
than $60 billion and cutting thousands of jobs.
The crisis gained a second wind in 2010 as revelations about the size
of Greece’s debts rippled slowly across Europe and shook markets in the
rest of the world. A new government there discovered that its decits were
three times the amount that had been acknowledged, leading investors to
demand higher and higher interest rates, which in turn raised the likelihood
that Greece would not be able to pay its debts.
The crisis also revealed sharp divisions within the euro zone, as rich north-
ern countries, Germany in particular, balked at a bailout of what was called
«Club Med» – Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, countries all suffering from
the bursting of the credit bubble but unable to devalue their currencies in
response. As markets became increasingly nervous, a string of aid packages
were announced, none of which calmed investors. Desperate to get ahead of
the crisis, in May the European Union and the I.M.F. pledged to make 750
billion Euros, or nearly $1 trillion, available to euro states in need.
*boom-and-bust – бум с последующей депрессией
delinquency rates – процент просроченных ссуд
plethora [‘pleθ(ə)rə] избыток
to slice up – нарезать, разрезать
mortgage-backed securities ценные бумаги, обеспеченные пулом ипотек
a credit squeeze – ограничение кредита
crumble – распадаться, дробиться
topple грозить падением, обрушением
vicious circle – порочный круг
recession – понижение, спад
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