English writers. Мартемьянова Н.В. - 17 стр.



to do
6)He’s _____ a good progress.
7)She began _____ at an early age.
8)She _____ aerobics once a week.
9) Let’s go to the theatre first and eat _____.
10) The day _____ he left the country.
5 Write in the plural form of the nouns in brackets.
1) They have got five _____ .(child)
2) When he fell over, he broke two of his _____ .(tooth)
3) We need some more _____ .(knife)
4) The cat is hunting for two _____ at once.(mouse)
5) You should have written _____ about it for our staff.(Memorandum)
6) What are the main _____ in nature?(phenomenon)
7) We caught three little _____ there.(fish)
8) These _____ are too small for me.They hurt my _____ .(shoe, foot)
9) Do you know these _____ over there?(person)
10) _____ are thought of as rather silly animals.(sheep)
11) The gown was embroidered for the loveliest of the Queen’s _____ .(maid-of-
6 Fill in the blanks with correct preposition.
1) Keats was a strenuous thinker as revealed ___ his letters.
2) He speculated ___ the nature of poetry and the poet.
3) He struggled ___ the problems of suffering and death.
4) He was apprenticed to a surgeon ___ 1811.
5) Keats left surgery ___ poetry.
6) His misert was exacerbated ___ his love ___ Fanny Brawne.
7) He died ___ Feb.23,1821.
7 Use the ve4rbs in brakets in the Past Tenses.
1) Keats _____ surgery for poetry.(leave)
2) This work _____ the poet’s search for ideal beauty.(describe)
3) This and other severe attacks on Keats later _____ rise to the myth that Keats _____
by criticism.(give;to be killed)
4) Throughout this anguished time, however, Keats _____ his masterpieces.(produce)
5) By early 1820, Keats _____ clearly that he _____and in the fall _____ with his
friend to Rome.(understand, die, travel)
6) Between the ages of 18 and 24 he _____ poems of such power that they rank with
the greatest in the language.(write)
Reading Comprehansion
1 Read the text again and complete the following sentences.
1) John Keats together with Lord Byron and Percy B.Shelly,
2) Keats was orphaned ___________________
to do
6)He’s _____ a good progress.
7)She began _____ at an early age.
8)She _____ aerobics once a week.
9) Let’s go to the theatre first and eat _____.
10) The day _____ he left the country.
5      Write in the plural form of the nouns in brackets.
1) They have got five _____ .(child)
2) When he fell over, he broke two of his _____ .(tooth)
3) We need some more _____ .(knife)
4) The cat is hunting for two _____ at once.(mouse)
5) You should have written _____ about it for our staff.(Memorandum)
6) What are the main _____ in nature?(phenomenon)
7) We caught three little _____ there.(fish)
8) These _____ are too small for me.They hurt my _____ .(shoe, foot)
9) Do you know these _____ over there?(person)
10) _____ are thought of as rather silly animals.(sheep)
11) The gown was embroidered for the loveliest of the Queen’s _____ .(maid-of-
6      Fill in the blanks with correct preposition.
1) Keats was a strenuous thinker as revealed ___ his letters.
2) He speculated ___ the nature of poetry and the poet.
3) He struggled ___ the problems of suffering and death.
4) He was apprenticed to a surgeon ___ 1811.
5) Keats left surgery ___ poetry.
6) His misert was exacerbated ___ his love ___ Fanny Brawne.
7) He died ___ Feb.23,1821.
7      Use the ve4rbs in brakets in the Past Tenses.
1) Keats _____ surgery for poetry.(leave)
2) This work _____ the poet’s search for ideal beauty.(describe)
3) This and other severe attacks on Keats later _____ rise to the myth that Keats _____
   by criticism.(give;to be killed)
4) Throughout this anguished time, however, Keats _____ his masterpieces.(produce)
5) By early 1820, Keats _____ clearly that he _____and in the fall _____ with his
   friend to Rome.(understand, die, travel)
6) Between the ages of 18 and 24 he _____ poems of such power that they rank with
   the greatest in the language.(write)
Reading Comprehansion
1      Read the text again and complete the following sentences.
1) John Keats together with Lord Byron and Percy B.Shelly,
2) Keats was orphaned ___________________