English writers. Мартемьянова Н.В. - 18 стр.



3) Keats left surgery for poetry influenced by
4) After producing several mediocre poems,
5) This and other severe attacks on Keats
6) Actually he died of ____________________
7) His misery was exacerbated by
8) By early 1820, Keats understood clearly that he was dying and
9) Between the ages of 18 and 24 he
2 Answer the following questions:
1) What can you say about John Keats as a poet?
2) When was John Keats born?
3) What was his background?
4) What speciality did he get?
5) Did he work as a surgeon?Why
6) In what style was written the sonnet’On First Looking ...”?What did it describe?
7) What myth appeared then?
8) What did Keats actually die of?
9) Why couldn’t he marry?
10) Which masterpieces were written throughout the anguished time?
11) What did Keats do after he understood he was dying?
12) When and where did Keats die?
(1812 - 1870)
Vocabulary notes
navy - военно-морской флот
to survey - рассматривать
fame - слава
to decline - ухудшать
mistreatment - дурное обращение
greedy - алчный
crudeness - грубость
evil - пагубный
wasteful - расточительный
sanitation - оздоровление
garbage heap - мусорная куча
filthy - грязный
3) Keats left surgery for poetry influenced by
4) After producing several mediocre poems,
5) This and other severe attacks on Keats
6) Actually he died of ____________________
7) His misery was exacerbated by
8) By early 1820, Keats understood clearly that he was dying and
9) Between the ages of 18 and 24 he
2     Answer the following questions:
1) What can you say about John Keats as a poet?
2) When was John Keats born?
3) What was his background?
4) What speciality did he get?
5) Did he work as a surgeon?Why
6) In what style was written the sonnet’On First Looking ...”?What did it describe?
7) What myth appeared then?
8) What did Keats actually die of?
9) Why couldn’t he marry?
10) Which masterpieces were written throughout the anguished time?
11) What did Keats do after he understood he was dying?
12) When and where did Keats die?

                                CHARLES DICKENS
                                   (1812 - 1870)

Vocabulary notes
navy - военно-морской флот
to survey - рассматривать
fame - слава
to decline - ухудшать
mistreatment - дурное обращение
greedy - алчный
crudeness - грубость
evil - пагубный
wasteful - расточительный
sanitation - оздоровление
garbage heap - мусорная куча
filthy - грязный