Иностранный язык: Контрольные работы по английскому языку для студентов 3-4 курса специальности 030401 - "История". Мартемьянова Н.В - 24 стр.


knowledge of earlier ages, and in breadth, as field of inquiry entirely unknown in
the past (such as economic history, psychohistory, history of ideas, of family
structures, and of peasant societies) have emerged and refined their methods and
goals. To many scholars, national history has come to seem an outmoded, culture-
bounded approach, although history written on thoroughly international
assumptions is extremely difficult to achieve.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference between the notions history and historiography?
2. How can you specify literature and historiography? How can we assess
early writings of history from literary point of view and from the point of
view of their verifiability?
3. What kind of sources can historians use?
4. What qualities and attitudes are necessary to make history a serious
endeavour? What should every historian try to avoid?
5. Has history always been an independent science? Did Greek and Roman
historians get a special rigorous education?
6. How did history change in the 20
3.Find in the text English equivalents of:
за счет чего- то; вспомогательные источники ; оценивать ; показания
свидетелей ; беспристрастность ; заполнять пробелы; расшифровывать ;
понятный, вразумительный; толковать ; убедительный; выразительность ;
доказывать ; ошибка; исследование; подход ; сочетать ; становиться в один
ряд .
4. Give Russian equivalents of:
rigorous truthfulness; to present prose of striking style; the art of persuasive use of
language; to align with smth; to avoid ignorance; intermediary sources; to
decipher historical facts; assess the evidence with a critical eye; immeasurably;
investigation; assumption.
5. Complete the text translating Russian word combinations. Use the
prompts in the box:
gift of developed expression, rigorous truthfulness, in its broadest sense, a
provisional model, to present a detailed and coherent account, hypothesis, to
interpret, to define it, was regarded, a cultivated man, to assess, to keep in mind,
endeavour, to limit, to combine, by mere shifting of evidence, the art of fluent and
persuasive use of language, prose of striking style, available evidence, freedom
from bias, to avoid ignorance and error

knowledge of earlier ages, and in breadth, as field of inquiry entirely unknown in
the past (such as economic history, psychohistory, history of ideas, of family
structures, and of peasant societies) have emerged and refined their methods and
goals. To many scholars, national history has come to seem an outmoded, culture-
bounded approach, although history written on thoroughly international
assumptions is extremely difficult to achieve.

2. Answer the following questions:
   1. What is the difference between the notions “history” and “historiography”?
   2. How can you specify literature and historiography? How can we assess
      early writings of history from literary point of view and from the point of
      view of their verifiability?
   3. What kind of sources can historians use?
   4. What qualities and attitudes are necessary to make history a serious
      endeavour? What should every historian try to avoid?
   5. Has history always been an independent science? Did Greek and Roman
      historians get a special rigorous education?
   6. How did history change in the 20th century?

3.Find in the text English equivalents of:

за счет чего-то; вспомогательные источники; оценивать; показания
свидетелей; беспристрастность; заполнять пробелы; расшифровывать;
понятный, вразумительный; толковать; убедительный; выразительность;
доказывать; ошибка; исследование; подход; сочетать; становиться в один
4. Give Russian equivalents of:
rigorous truthfulness; to present prose of striking style; the art of persuasive use of
language; to align with smth; to avoid ignorance; intermediary sources; to
decipher historical facts; assess the evidence with a critical eye; immeasurably;
investigation; assumption.
5. Complete the text translating Russian word combinations. Use the
    prompts in the box:

gift of developed expression, rigorous truthfulness, in its broadest sense, a
provisional model, to present a detailed and coherent account, hypothesis, to
interpret, to define it, was regarded, a cultivated man, to assess, to keep in mind,
endeavour, to limit, to combine, by mere shifting of evidence, the art of fluent and
persuasive use of language, prose of striking style, available evidence, freedom
from bias, to avoid ignorance and error