Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 36 стр.


3. Can "free education for all" solve all the problems of society?
4. What sort of education can be called really valuable to society?
You have no doubt already discovered that the only effective learning is the learning
you do yourself. University work is much more than school work a process of self-
.. .At university you will have to plan your work for weeks, even months ahead. You
will probably have an examination at the end of your first term, but no further
examination until the end of the third term of your first year. You will have essays or
laboratory work, or translations, or papers to prepare for seminars in the interim, but
the major test by which your academic progress is assessed may seem to you remote.
You have therefore to plan work for some time ahead. Hence the need for
developing good habits and methods of study.
Now it is the time, then, to consider the most effective ways of studying, and
whether the habits and methods of study you have so far acquired at school are likely
to measure up to the heavy demands which university work is going to make upon
What study involves. Many students mistakenly think that study is simply the
memorising of subject-matter and its reproduction in the examination papers. Of
course, there are in every subject elements to be memorised, but study involves a
great deal more than that. It involves the mastery and practice of the methods of
thinking, of experiment and appreciation, the understanding of theories, the solution
of problems analysis and criticism of lectures, books and articles, the making of
summaries and extracts, the writing of essays, reports and theses. In short you have
to digest knowledge from a wide variety of sources and make it part of you living
and ever growing part of .
in the interim тем временем , в промежутке
so far до сих пор, пока
are likely to measure up (to)вероятно, будут соответствовать
is going to make upon you предъявит вам
3. Can "free education for all" solve all the problems of society?
4. What sort of education can be called really valuable to society?

You have no doubt already discovered that the only effective learning is the learning
you do yourself. University work is much more than school work a process of self-
.. .At university you will have to plan your work for weeks, even months ahead. You
will probably have an examination at the end of your first term, but no further
examination until the end of the third term of your first year. You will have essays or
laboratory work, or translations, or papers to prepare for seminars in the interim, but
the major test by which your academic progress is assessed may seem to you remote.
You have therefore to plan work for some time ahead. Hence the need for
developing good habits and methods of study.
Now it is the time, then, to consider the most effective ways of studying, and
whether the habits and methods of study you have so far acquired at school are likely
to measure up to the heavy demands which university work is going to make upon
   What study involves. Many students mistakenly think that study is simply the
memorising of subject-matter and its reproduction in the examination papers. Of
course, there are in every subject elements to be memorised, but study involves a
great deal more than that. It involves the mastery and practice of the methods of
thinking, of experiment and appreciation, the understanding of theories, the solution
of problems analysis and criticism of lectures, books and articles, the making of
summaries and extracts, the writing of essays, reports and theses. In short you have
to digest knowledge from a wide variety of sources and make it part of you — living
and ever growing part of .
  in the interim — тем временем, в промежутке
  so far — до сих пор, пока
  are likely to measure up (to)—вероятно, будут соответствовать
  is going to make upon you — предъявит вам