Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 38 стр.


A. Is it difficult to study at the History Department?
S. If you work hard at all lectures, tutorials and seminars, if you read a lot of
specialized literature and analyze it, then I hope youll be a good historian.
A. What subjects did you study when you were a first year student?
S. We studied Archeology, Ancient history, Latin, Russian History (the period of
feudalism), English and some other subjects. At the end of each term we took tests
and exams. Each year we present an essay to our scientific adviser and make
contributions in class and sometimes at the students conferences on historical
A. It sounds attractive.
S. Im sure youll enjoy your studies at the University. I wish you good luck at your
entrance exams.
A. Thanks a lot.
Who Dig in the Dirt
Archeologists have often been compared with detectives, as they hunt for clues
about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.
Like detectives, archeologists go into the field to locate and preserve all kinds of
information. They also use high-tech scientific tools to analyze the evidence they
collect and then carefully interpret their data. In addition, like detectives,
archeologists today are not solely concerned with the traditional what and why
ones, too. Moreover, like criminologists, archeologists attempt to generalize from
specific why answers to broader theories.
Like many comparisons, however, the similarities between archeologists and
detectives cannot be pushed too far. One obvious difference is that archeologists do
not have informants or suspects they can question. The record that archeologists
A. Is it difficult to study at the History        Department?
S. If you work hard at all lectures, tutorials and seminars, if you read a lot of
specialized literature and analyze it, then I hope you’ll be a good historian.
A. What subjects did you study when you were a first year student?
S. We studied Archeology, Ancient history, Latin, Russian History (the period of
feudalism), English and some other subjects. At the end of each term we took tests
and exams. Each year we present an essay to our scientific adviser and make
contributions in class and sometimes at the students’ conferences on historical
A. It sounds attractive.
S. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your studies at the University. I wish you good luck at your
entrance exams.
A. Thanks a lot.

Who Dig in the Dirt
   Archeologists have often been compared with detectives, as they hunt for clues
about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.
   Like detectives, archeologists go into the field to locate and preserve all kinds of
information. They also use high-tech scientific tools to analyze the evidence they
collect and then carefully interpret their data. In addition, like               detectives,
archeologists today are not solely concerned with the traditional “what” and “why”
ones, too. Moreover, like criminologists, archeologists attempt to generalize from
specific “why” answers to broader theories.
   Like many comparisons, however, the similarities between archeologists and
detectives cannot be pushed too far. One obvious difference is that archeologists do
not have informants or suspects they can question. The record that archeologists