Иностранный язык. Методическое пособие. Мартемьянова Н.В - 39 стр.


study is mute. Thus, the archeologists problem is how to get the remains of the
past from the broken bits of pottery to large monuments to talk.
Read the first part of the dialogue, translate it and be ready to speak on
archeology in general terms. Analyse and explain the words in bold type.
A. What do you know about archeology?
B. Frankly speaking, not much. To some people the word archaeology suggests
something as dry as dust, a pursuit followed by elderly, long-bearded professors;
to others the word is full of romance, suggesting buried treasures.
A. Neither idea is very close to the truth. Archaeology is the scientific study of the
material remains of past human life and activities. These materials include
relics, artifacts, monuments, etc.
B. But how do archeologists manage to find out something about the earliest
inhabitants who lived before a word of their history was written?
A. It is owing to the fact that an archeologist deals with all the material remains of
man: the objects he used and made, his dwelling places with buried treasure.
B. I see. So the main thing for an archaeologist is the romance of treasure hunt, isnt
A. On the contrary, most archaeologists are not working with the expectation of
finding a kings tomb or similar riches. They are aiming at throwing light on some
portion of mans past by the careful piecing together of evidence, much of it
apparently insignificant in itself.
Read the second part of the dialogue and answer the questions.
B. Can you explain why the archaeologists carry on their excavations?
A. To begin with, archaeology is not an end in itself, not just an abstract study. It is
the method of finding out about the past of the human race in its material aspects,
and the study of the products of this past. These aspects may be the way people
lived, the way they worshiped, the way they built, their art, their trade, their travels.
study is mute. Thus, the archeologists’ problem is how to get the remains of the
past – from the broken bits of pottery to large monuments – to “talk”.

Read the first part of the dialogue, translate it and be ready to speak on
archeology in general terms. Analyse and explain the words in bold type.
A. What do you know about archeology?
B. Frankly speaking, not much. To some people the word archaeology suggests
   something as dry as dust, a pursuit followed by elderly, long-bearded professors;
   to others the word is full of romance, suggesting buried treasures.
A. Neither idea is very close to the truth. Archaeology is the scientific study of the
   material remains of past human life and activities. These materials include
   relics, artifacts, monuments, etc.
B. But how do archeologists manage to find out something about the earliest
   inhabitants who lived before a word of their history was written?
A. It is owing to the fact that an archeologist deals with all the material remains of
   man: the objects he used and made, his dwelling places with buried treasure.
B. I see. So the main thing for an archaeologist is the romance of treasure hunt, isn’t
A. On the contrary, most archaeologists are not working with the expectation of
finding a king’s tomb or similar riches. They are aiming at throwing light on some
portion of man’s past by the careful piecing together of evidence, much of it
apparently insignificant in itself.

Read the second part of the dialogue and answer the questions.
B. Can you explain why the archaeologists carry on their excavations?
A. To begin with, archaeology is not an end in itself, not just an abstract study. It is
the method of finding out about the past of the human race in its material aspects,
and the study of the products of this past. These aspects may be the way people
lived, the way they worshiped, the way they built, their art, their trade, their travels.