Иностранный язык. Мартемьянова Н.В - 16 стр.


I saw that they paused.
I noticed that the blind man was running among them.
I saw that the men came out.
I could hear that their feet were banging on our old stairs.
I heard that the men said they couldn't find us.
7, Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the
Complex Object.
1) Я думаю, это заставит вас прочитать книгу снова.
2) Я считаю, что ему надо позвонить родителям .
3) Мне бы хотелось, чтобы работа была сделана сегодня.
4) Хотите ли вы , чтобы мы встретились сегодня?
5) Я не хочу, чтобы этот вопрос обсуждался в спешке.
6) Мы не ожидали , что она сделает такой интересный доклад .
7) Я знаю, что на этом месте будет построен новый дом .
Discussion Task
Do you think the Roman Army was well organized? Why (Why not)?
Vocabulary notes
rebellion(n) восстание
corrupt(adj.) - продажный, бесчестный
delay(n) - замедление, отсрочка
seethe(v) - бурлить, кипеть appeal(v) - призывать, обращаться
defense(n) - защита , оборона
lance(n) - пика, копье
heap(n) - множество, масса
mercy(n) - милость, пощада
Pre-reading Task
Do you know anything about Suetonius Platius? If so, tell the class.
In 60 AD there was rebellion in Britain. Boudica, the queen of the Iceni, led
several tribes of southern England who were united in their revulsion at corrupt
Roman rule. Unrestrained, they destroyed the new Roman settlements at
Colchester, St AJbans and London. The provincial governor, Suetonius
Paulinus who was campaigning in North Wales rushed back to quell the
revolt with an army of some 10,000 men.
Suetonius decided to attack without delay. He chose a position in a valley
with a wood behind him. There could be no enemy, he knew, except at his front.
where there was open country without cover for ambushes. Suetonius drew up
the legionaries in close order, with the auxiliaries at their flanks, and the cavalry
massed on the wings.

I saw that they paused.
I noticed that the blind man was running among them.
I saw that the men came out.
I could hear that their feet were banging on our old stairs.
I heard that the men said they couldn't find us.
7, Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the
Complex Object.
1) Я думаю, это заставит вас прочитать книгу снова.
2) Я считаю, что ему надо позвонить родителям.
3) Мне бы хотелось, чтобы работа была сделана сегодня.
4) Хотите ли вы, чтобы мы встретились сегодня?
5) Я не хочу, чтобы этот вопрос обсуждался в спешке.
6) Мы не ожидали, что она сделает такой интересный доклад.
7) Я знаю, что на этом месте будет построен новый дом.

Discussion Task
Do you think the Roman Army was well organized? Why (Why not)?

                               THE BATTLE 60AD
Vocabulary notes
rebellion(n) – восстание
corrupt(adj.) - продажный, бесчестный
delay(n) - замедление, отсрочка
seethe(v) - бурлить, кипеть appeal(v) - призывать, обращаться
defense(n) - защита, оборона
lance(n) - пика, копье
heap(n) - множество, масса
mercy(n) - милость, пощада

Pre-reading Task
Do you know anything about Suetonius Platius? If so, tell the class.

   In 60 AD there was rebellion in Britain. Boudica, the queen of the Iceni, led
several tribes of southern England who were united in their revulsion at corrupt
Roman rule. Unrestrained, they destroyed the new Roman settlements at
Colchester, St AJbans and London. The provincial governor, Suetonius
Paulinus — who was campaigning in North Wales rushed back to quell the
revolt with an army of some 10,000 men.
   Suetonius decided to attack without delay. He chose a position in a valley
with a wood behind him. There could be no enemy, he knew, except at his front.
where there was open country without cover for ambushes. Suetonius drew up
the legionaries in close order, with the auxiliaries at their flanks, and the cavalry
massed on the wings.