Иностранный язык. Мартемьянова Н.В - 17 стр.


On the British side, cavalry and infantry bands seethed over a wide area in
unprecedented numbers. Their confidence was such that they brought their
wives with them to see the victory, installing them in carts at the edge of the
Suetonius appealed to his men.» Disregard the clamors and empty threats of
the natives!.. .Just keep in close order. Throw your javelins and then carry on:
use shield-bosses to fell them, swords to kill them. Do not think о plunder, when you
have won, you will have everything. "
He gave the order for battle. At first the legionaries stood their ground.
Keeping to the valley as a natural defense, they launched their javelins
accurately at the approaching enemy. Then, in wedge formation, they burst
forward. So did the auxiliary infantry. The cavalry, with lances extended,
demolished all serious resistance. The remaining Britons fled with difficulty
since their ring of wagons blocked their escape. The Romans did not spear even
the women. Baggage animals too, transfixed with weapons, added to the heaps
of dead. It was a glorious victor}'.
Their Roman superiority of discipline and tactics assured them victory over
the chaotic mass of the Britons. Suetonius chose the field of battle to his
advantage, and employed his specialist forces, the legions, Auxilia and cavalry,
in set-piece maneuvers, and without mercy.
Reading Comprehension Tasks
l.Say true or false to the following statements.
1) Boudica was the queen of Ireland.
2) Suetonius decided not to attack for several days.
3) The forest was behind the army.
4) The Romans had no confidence in their victory.
5) The legionaries and the auxiliary infantry acted the same way.
6) The Romans were not cruel to the women.
7) The Britons won the victory because they were well-organized.
2. Complete the following ideas.
1) Several tribes of Southern England were united in their revulsion at .
2) Suetonius Paulinus rushed back to .
3) The enemy could be at his front, where .
4) Cavalry and infantry bands seethed over .
5) At first the legionaries .
6) The remaining Britons fled with difficulty since .
7) When you have won, you .
3.Answer the following questions.
1) Why was there rebellion in Britain?
2) Which settlements were destroyed?
3) Why did Suetonius Paulinus rush back?
4) What was his plan?
5) Why do you think the Romans were sure in their victory?
6) Describe the order of the battle.